Epilogue - Kadynce

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(Kadynce's POV)


"Merry Christmas, Daddy." I heard Nikki giggle quietly through my sleep. "Merry Christmas, Mommy."

It doesn't take much to wake me.

Over this past month, I have become a light sleeper, once again. I'm aware that I have newborns who wake up continuously through the night. As the only parent that is mobile, even though I have Mikki's help, I still have to wake up with her.

Unfortunately, my Nana had to go back to Mexico; she's been gone for about three days now.

I miss her so much.

Turning over in my sleep, I opened my eyes to see Nikki and Jase laying between us. Jase smiled at me once he saw that I was conscious. "Merry Christmas, Mommy."

His blue eyes twinkled with joy and excitement.

I beamed at him; I couldn't help it. "Merry Christmas, baby." Kissing his forehead, I pulled him into my body to snuggle, looking over at Nikki. "Merry Christmas, Nikki." I kept my beaming smile for her.

"Merry Christmas, Mama." She glanced up at me, smiling. It takes more to wake up Nixon, he's not that much of a heavy sleeper but he needs more than whispers.

Nixon finally stretched as he blinked a few times before opening his eyes up to his daughter.

"Merry Christmas, Dad." She giggled, climbing on his chest.

He beamed, sleepily. "Merry Christmas, baby girl."

"Did Santa come?" Nikki looked between Nixon and me with joyfulness and wonderment.

"I don't know, baby." I gave her a sly smile. "How about you and Jase go and see?"

Her smile brightened as she looked at her little brother, hopping off of Nixon. "Come on, Jase."

"Don't open anything yet." Nix told them before they took off. "Mommy and I are coming."

"Promise." Nikki vowed before they left the room.

Nixon looked over at me before smirking and pulling me into his body. "Merry Christmas, fiancée."

"Merry Christmas, soon-to-be husband." I giggled, snuggling into his arms.

He began rubbing me all over, his hands were strong, and they felt amazing as I melted into them, closing my eyes and sighing.

"Tell me— what do you want for Christmas?" He asked me.

I missed what he said, I was so into him that I moaned my response. "Huh?"

He just chuckled. "What do you want for Christmas?"


"I already got what I asked for." I moaned again, smiling.

"And what would that be?" He chuckled, it was deep and husky. Now moving his hand up the back of my shirt but making its way around to my stomach.

I need him to keep going, I never want him to stop.

My back arched into his hand just as it reached my breast. Lifting my shirt and the covers over our head, he brought his mouth to my breast.

I moaned out, surprised that he was pushing it this far. We haven't been this far since I was about four or five months pregnant.

The past month has been strictly business when it comes to our bodies. We have been healing our bodies, plus, Nixon doesn't know if his injuries damaged his ability to create life.

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