Chapter 33 - I Love You

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(Kadynce's POV)

It's happening again.

Nixon hasn't been getting any sleep for the past few nights. He tosses and turns in bed prior to getting up to secure the hallways by checking in on the kids, and now, Mikki and Imo.

And if it wasn't for me being so pregnant with twins, I would be awake with him but I'm always so tired, so it's easier for me to fall back into my slumber.

Then on top of dealing with Nixon. I've been receiving several calls from a number that I don't recognize. They call me frequently, I never answer but they also never leave a voicemail, so I don't bother calling back.

"So, is the house haunted by the ghost of Kol's past or what?" Mikki joked from beside me as we stopped at a red light.

It's early afternoon and we are currently on our way to the dealership from the doctor's. Jase finally got his cast removed today; he was so happy, I told him this morning before we left.

He sat in the backseat with Imogen, Nikki decided to stay home with Nixon, which I was happy about because he's been on edge. And having his daughter there can hopefully distract him from whatever is troubling him.

Imo agreed. "Right, I heard him all last night, walking up and down the hall, opening and closing my door."

"I know." I sighed, stressed as I ran a hand through my hair. "Something is bothering him, and I don't know what it is."

"Well, get Zayne or Jesse to figure it out." Imogen proposed.

Mikki sided with her. "Yeah, don't they tell each other everything through their bromance?"

"Yes, and they did, but they never explained what it was." I confessed, thinking about it now. "And now that it's happening again..." I trailed off in thought.

Mikki finished my sentence. "Now, that it's happening again, you need to talk to Zayne and find out." She added. "Because if any one of the three of would tell you the truth, it'll be Zayne."

"Do you think it has something to do with his attack?" Imogen suggested.

I shook my head knowing that Nixon has done this way before he was attacked. "No." I admitted. "He was doing this before."

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Jase interjected.

Looking at him through the rearview mirror, I spoke. "Okay, baby. We are almost at Daddy's work. I'll get you some snacks there."

He was satisfied with that response.

"So, Zayne and Jess told you they knew what was up with him, but never gave you the details...?" Mikki trailed off, perplexed. And since she was sitting right next to me in the passenger seat, I just nodded. "So, they're keeping a secret from you? All of them?"

I froze, coming to the realization of it all.

I seriously didn't think anything of it sooner because I thought they were handling everything, but obviously not. The problem isn't fixed, so Nixon isn't fixed.

Imogen responded. "It's gotta be some big secret."

Her tone was sure, which made me curious. "Why are you so sure?"

"Because he walks the house at night, with his gun, checking on the locks and windows; he's pretty much our night security." Imogen put it together, but as she was saying it, I was thinking the same thing. "Someone who's not supposed to know where you live, knows where you live. Someone dangerous." She breathed. "And I'm pretty sure that his attack wasn't an accident. There was a reason why he wasn't mugged. They didn't want his belongings, they wanted him dead."

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