Chapter 13 - Daddies...

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(Kadynce's POV)

I'm free.

So free that I feel like I could fly.

Jake can't control me anymore. I can do what I want, say what I want, and live my life how I want.

No longer in fear.

No longer feel the urge to look over my shoulder.

I am safe.

Most importantly, my babies are safe.

Nixon saved me, he was here to take me home, and I couldn't believe it. It all seemed to be a dream, an illusion that I wished to not awaken from.

I will never be under the control of Jake ever again.

He will never be able to hurt me or my children again.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Nikkol asked me as we sat in a room at the hospital. It was a small examination room in the ER, I hadn't been admitted so hopefully I wouldn't be.

Nikki kept eyeing my black eye, nervously. So far, they were only keeping me so they could run tests on me.

We've been here for almost two hours.

Giving my daughter a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, baby." I then looked at Jason too. "Daddy just wants me to get checked out by the doctor." I nodded, trying to make sure that they knew that I was alright.

I'm sure once we pulled up to the hospital was when they started to get really worried about me.

I didn't exactly want to come here, but Nixon insisted, and I didn't fight him because I would be lying if I said that I wasn't in pain.

My ribs were screaming in distress when we first got here, it was even hard for me to take deep breaths. I also began to develop a red ring around my neck. Since being here, the doctor has already hooked me up to IV and morphine. Then he wrapped my ribs in ace bandages to help with the pain.

I didn't want Nixon to see my horrible bruises and cuts, I talked him into taking the kids out of the room while they wrapped me.

He did and I was grateful.

I felt good now.

The bruises were worse than I thought. My entire torso was black, purple, and blue, I looked like I had been beaten with a bat. They also gave me an ice pack to put on my eye to help with the swelling.

Nixon was relieved that I was no longer in pain. Once he knew that I was feeling better, he got on the phone with the airline to book tickets for our flight back home.

He said the faster we get out of North Carolina, the better he'll feel because all he wants to do is go back and finish what he started with Jake.

At this moment, I wanted him to finish.

I wanted Jake to get the last six years of pain that I have felt, and more.

Yet, I know that this feeling will soon go away. I'm not that kind of person, I've never condoned Nixon getting mixed up in any violent behavior.

I would never tell him to intentionally hurt anyone.

We need to leave, but he's worried that I'm not well enough to fly.

"You promise?" Nikkol asked me, pushing her dark hair out of her eyes, and bashing her beautiful smoky blue eyes at me. They were full of so much stress and worry.

She was too young to feel any of that. It only made me feel worse.

Beaming at her, I assured her once more before turning her around to carefully pull her long, raven hair into a ponytail. "I promise."

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