Career -Bill x Reader

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        request for  jakobmykebab  

      sorry it took so long, hope you enjoy it ^.^

        You had slept through your alarm..again.  Your phone had 2 texts; one  from your mother asking if you had made it home and another reminding you not to be late today or you'd get a write up. Having quickly showered and dressed, you were now walking towards your favorite Cafe. Hell, you were already late, might as well get some coffee. As you entered the building a small crowd surrounding a man dressed as a clown, caught your attention. He was painted white, wore a bright coppery wig and his smile was painted  in red with the ends extending up over his cheeks and through his darkly shadowed eyes. In fact, he was the scariest looking clown you'd seen. You shook your head, not paying attention to the whispers around you. As you stood in line, the crowd dissipated and went their own ways. The guy in the suit stood in line behind you as his phone went off:

                Clown: "Yeah, sorry. I thought I could just dash down here and be back before break over. It won't take long, maybe 15 min. Won't happen again, I promise."

       He hung up, a sigh escaping from his lips. You knew what it was like for your boss to be on your case about this kind of stuff. Giving a small smile you turned, motioning with your arm for him to go ahead of you, "Sounds like you need to go first. Sorry, couldn't help over hearing." He was hesitant, his eyes showing confusion. The giant forehead of his costume seemed even more confused, but you knew that was your imagination, "Uh, thanks, actually. I appreciate that." He took the spot you generously offered him. He ordered his coffee and then turned to you, "What are you having?" Taken aback, you began to protest but he put his gloved hand up, "I insist, please." You nodded and gave the barista your order. Within moments two coffee's were given to the gentlemen dressed as the clown. You noticed he took a pen and wrote something on yours before handing it to you. He smiled down at you as you took it from him, "I rarely get this opportunity..most people I know are in the same business. I hope I see you around, miss." He winked and walked away before you could respond.

       You looked down at your cup:    New in town, show me around?

                                                                                                            -Bill, XXX-XXX-XXXX

        You smiled, it wasn't very often someone gave you their number.  Remembering you were late you took off towards work. 30 minutes later you were receiving the write-up. Nothing new here, honestly. Everyone got them over the silliest thing. During lunch you and your friend discussed what had happened in the coffee shop. She rose an eyebrow, "Are you going to? Might be fun to have a night out with other people." You rolled your eyes, " I don't see you hanging out with anyone else...besides, I don't know if I can get over the whole clown thing. I mean, really, they always portray them as sad alcoholics in the movies. What if its true and today was just  a good day for him." (F/N) rolled her eyes back at you, "You always make up excuses to not do new things. That's why your single butt is still here at (company name) doing (job of choice). At least I have my niece and nephew to take care of. You need to take care of yourself." You nodded slowly, she was right. She was always right.  Biting the bullet you sent him a text.

             You: Hey, Bill. This is (Y/N), from the cafe. What time would work for you?

          Work seemed to go by even slower than normal as you awaited his response. He had given his number to you, why were you so nervous? Another hour passed and finally your phone went off.

             Bill: Hi, I was hoping I'd hear from you. How about tonight? I mean, if you have the time?

        You bit your lip, closed your eyes and took in a deep breath, "Sure, meet me at (restaurant) around 7pm?"

                                                                       Bill: Of course, see you then.

        After work you dashed home to change and mentally prepare yourself. The outfit you picked was simple and relaxed looking. Just what you liked when hanging out, outside of work. As 7pm neared you called a taxi. The drive wasn't very long but your heart raced, would he show up in costume? What if he didn't, how would you know what he looked like? Quickly you paid the driver and then hopped out onto the sidewalk.

        You propped yourself up against the wall and looked around at the people walking by. You could feel yourself blush as an incredibly tall man came into view. As he came closer you could take in his features, beautiful eyes, nicely shaped face and...he was walking up to you. Your heart raced as you looked around, surely this man was looking at the wrong person.  You gulped as he stopped in front of you, his harms pulling you into a hug, "(Y/N), nice to see you. You look great." As he pulled away you noticed a few people in the distance taking photos but shook your head and turned back to this model standing before you,"Bill?" You looked up at him with a questioning look. He chuckled, "Oh, yeah, sorry. I forgot you've only seen me in costume." You nodded in agreement as you once again took him in from head to toe. He cleared his throat, "Ready to eat?" You smiled, blushing, "Oh, yeah, definitely." He smirked and opened the door for you, "After you."  You looked down at the ground, not used to such a good looking guy taking an interest in you. You requested a table for two and soon the menu was in your hands.

          After ordering the two of you engaged in small talk. You had noticed a very slight accent, "So where are you from, Bill?" He took a sip of water and leaned down onto the table, "Sweden...Stockholm actually. Most of my family still lives there. I float around, work keeping me in the states for the most part." You nodded interested, "I didn't realize your line of work was that busy." Before Bill could question you the food arrived. After the waitress left you looked over at you, "Well, I mean, its busy some parts of the year. Sometimes there are long periods of no work but I enjoy it." You chewed your food and swallowed before speaking, "What made you pick your career?" He shrugged, "I don't know really. My dad and brother did it. All of my family has done it at some point to be honest. I do have a degree in engineering but its not as fun." You laughed, "Yeah, I can see that. I'll bet the kids get scared from time to time though. That clown outfit was kind of scary this morning. Do you have multiple?"

     Bill stopped eating and looked at you for a few seconds, "(Y/N), what is it you think I do?" You looked into his eyes, "You're a clown...?" Bill looked down at his food and started laughing, uncontrollably so. Finally he took in a deep breath, "Have you ever heard of IT?" You licked your lips, now nervous, "No, I haven't. What is it?" He took a drink before continuing, "It's a movie. About this group of kids, they live in this small town where kids go missing all the time."  You nodded, looking at him while he talked, "Doesn't sound pleasant. Is it a horror movie?" He nodded, biting his lower lip for an instant, "Yeah, they end up becoming the target of the villain and have to find a way to destroy it. It takes on the image of whatever frightens its prey. He chooses to appear as a clown because it is It's favorite form. Can  you guess what the clown looks like?" Shaking your head you took a sip of water and then it hit you. You looked over at him, "You're an play the scary clown in the movie." He chuckled with a nod, "Spot on." You gently slapped your forehead, "I'm so sorry. I really don't pay much attention to movies and stuff these days. I hope I didn't offend you by not knowing." Bill reached over and took your hand in his, "Of course not." He brought it to his lips and placed a small kiss on your knuckles, "Now, how about you show me around town a little."  You blushed, trying to memorize the feeling of his lips against your hand. You looked forward to getting to know him better and so did he.

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