Trust- Gordan Merkel

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     This is for @EddieToizer12959, I hope you like it!

   Sighing, you made your way out of the cold and into the building of the address given to you.  You weren't nervous because of standing up to the KGB; you were nervous due to the fact that you were an agent with Asperger's. As of yet, you hadn't been partnered with anyone who could handle you'd pretty much given up on it ever happening.

      This morning you had received a phone call, calling you in for your next assignment. The meeting with your boss had gone as expected; they were giving you a new partner. That's where you were heading as you now entered an old elevator. The creaking sound it made caused your heart to stir for a minute but it subsided as it opened up onto the correct floor.  Hesitantly you walked down the hall to room 516. You knocked briefly and waited. A few moments later the door slowly opened to a bare chest; you gulped, moving your eyes upward on the figure in front of you.

     The face that your eyes came upon took your breath away. His intense eyes stared down at you, an eyebrow cocking as he watched you take in his appearance, "Hello-" He started to speak but you interrupted him, "I'm, (Y/n), we are to be working together for a few days." He nodded in acknowledgment and took a step backwards, opening the door for you to enter. His small apartment was as bare as his chest...only the essentials could be seen. He cleared his throat, "I wasn't expecting you so early. I was just about to get into the shower. I'll only be a few minutes." His voice brought you back to the realization that he was only in a towel. You nodded, "Of course, sorry. I'll just sit and wait, I want to get a head start on planning out the mission. Again, he only nodded before walking past you and into what you assumed was the bathroom. Water could be heard soon afterwards.

     Soon, a fully dressed man walked out and into the living room, where you had seated yourself. He smirked, as he sat down next to you, "I'm Gordan...but most people call me Merkel." You smile at him, "Nice to meet you. Now, lets get started." Over the next few hours the two of you plan out the moves your going to take to regain control of the city's borders. The first and most important step was taking over the Mason Hotel.

     Merkel ran his hand through his hair, "Alright. I think we've got this down...let's go eat some dinner. You can stay the night; that way we can head out early." You smiled, all of his ideas had been nice and made since. Nodding the two of you made your way out of the apartment complex. The cold night air took your breath away momentarily. Without thinking he immediately put his arm around you to hold you close for heat. The sudden contact without permission caused you to quickly throw his arm off, "Did I say I wanted you to touch me!?" He looked taken aback, "I'm so sorry...I was just trying to help." You huffed and started to walk ahead of him instead of side by side. In the midst of getting his hand off of you, neither of you paid attention to the man following you. It wasn't until he ran passed you, wrenching your purse with the plans off of your shoulder that either of you saw him. You panicked.

     "No, no ,no , no, no!" You stood there, hands tangled in your hair as your breathing became ragged. Merkel instantly took off to track him down and then shortly you were able to follow. Down an alley, over a wooden fence and finally, Merkel was able to lead him to a closed off area so that he had no escape. You watched as Merkel's tall frame towered over the other man; taking him down within seconds and retrieving the precious information. He walked over to you, handing the purse back to you, "Maybe you should have left this at the apartment...are you okay or do you need to go back and have some alone time?"

     You nodded as he handed you his key, "I'll get dinner and be back as soon as I can." He gave you a gentle smile before heading off. You retraced your steps quickly and laid down on his couch, closing your eyes and  humming to yourself. What made you such a good agent was also your downfall. Unexpected things never happened because you were so careful with your planning. But when they threw off your game completely. You heard him knock on the door and you quickly opened it for him. He nodded towards you and went into the kitchen; plating up the food he had brought back. He sat beside you, "Eat...I'm sure you're hungry." You take the plate and pick at the food, "I'm sorry...I don't like to be touched. I have Asperger's and people touching me bothers me very much. Please ask before you do it again." He looked over at you as he chewed his food; swallowing before he replied, "I cousin has it. That reaction was similar to hers. I will remember to ask from now on...were you able to recover here even though it isn't your own home?" You smiled softly, "Yes, actually...thank you." He smirked over at you, "Of course, anything for such a pretty girl." You blushed and looked down at your food, the two of you bonding over the rest of the evening. Maybe you'd finally found a partner you could trust to have your back...


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