Tulpa -Pennywise (smut)

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Girls night was going just as planned...all fun and games, no seriousness. After settling down from having gone to the club your friends were looking through your movies. Alice quipped, "Don't you have anything new? These are all old." You chuckled as the computer powered on, "I may or may not have a few movies acquired through shady acts." Stephanie laughed, "That's a definite. The last time I came over she was watching the new It, for like the 12th time." Alice shook her head as she splayed across the couch, "12 times, sheesh... I could barely watch it the first time." You bit your lip at their teasing, "Actually I've watched it a bit more than that...I can't help it! I'm obsessed with Pennywise...he's-he's so dangerous and hot!" Stephanie rolled her eyes, "Just play it...we all know you want too." Excited you ran to the computer and started the movie, "Popcorn anyone?" They nodded simultaneously. As much as they teased you, they themselves enjoyed the film as much as you did. Alice for sure was hiding her obsession with it, Peter, her boyfriend had told you about it.

You snickered to yourself as the popcorn began to pop; almost as Pennywise was acting that bit out in the beginning. It made you sad to think of all the children he had eaten throughout his time but in your heart you knew he was just plain evil. Being in a relationship with him would be hard...but it didn't stop you from daydreaming about it. The three of you screamed and jumped through the movie; the scary feeling eliminated by the Losers constant jabbing at each other. As the movie came to a close Stephanie reached into your bowl and stuffed some of your popcorn in her mouth, "I can't wait for the sequel! Do you guys watch Supernatural?" You laughed as popcorn fell out of her mouth and down into her shirt, "Duh. Team Castiel all the way." Alice leaned off the couch holding out her hand for a high-five, "Same!" Stephanie rolled her eyes, "No...I'm all for Dean. Anyway, remember the episode were everyone read the website about Mordecai Murdoch or whatever his name was?" The two of you nodded as Alice sneered, "Yeah, that's the one were we meet the future creators of, 'Ghostfacers!'" You threw yourself backwards onto the floor, laughing at the face she made while mimicking the fake TV show. After you had calmed down you squeaked out, "Why?"

Stephanie licked her lips, "Do you think Tulpa's could really happen?" You shrugged, "Well, in the show they had that symbol on the wall which helped focus the energy..." She nodded, "I just wondered if people were obsessed over Pennywise so much he might become reality...I mean he's everywhere." You slowly nodded, not having thought about it before, "True...that would be terrible, so many kids would die. But then you also have to think, the world is different from in the movie, the kids might actually fight back because they aren't that scared anymore." Stephanie nodded with a yawn, "True...we better head back to my place, Alice. I'm pooped and I have to take us to work tomorrow since your car is broken." She sulked, "But I don't want to work tomorrow. Can't we just call in and pretend to be sick?" Stephanie gave her a look that said you've got to be kidding. Slowly Alice got up and proceeded to put all her outer clothing back on. They gave you hugs and waved as they walked down the complex stairs.

It was freezing out so you threw on some fluffy pajamas and then laid in bed reading fan fiction. Eventually you found yourself reading Pennywise smut. You couldn't help but think about what if he was really there, touching you in the ways from the story. It made your body grow hot and the familiar feeling grew until you couldn't focus on anything else. You squeezed your legs together trying not to succumb but in the end one of your hands began to make its way down to your core. The other began to rub your breast over the clothing, teasing yourself as you let out a few moans. The image of Pennywise in your head made you swallow harshly as you imagined that your hands were actually his. A noise came from the bathroom causing you to jump, "Shee-it!" You sat up and placed your hand over heart, trying to bring the rate back down to normal. Your cat meowed and ran out of there, bouncing it's little way into the living room. You chuckled, walking into the bathroom, "What did you knock over this time?" Your hand slid along the wall, flipping the switch as you looked around. Opening the shower curtain you saw the wall hook had collapsed and fallen into the tub. You bent over, grabbing it and placing it back on the wall as you whispered to yourself, "God...I need to get a new one, it keeps falling."

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