What I Want- Bill x Chubby Reader Pt. 1

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       The light trickling in from the morning sun caused you to awaken sooner than you had wanted. You yawned and stretched as much as allowed; the arm around your middle making it impossible to complete the stretch. As you stared down at said arm, slowly last nights events began to replay in your mind. Your heart beat fast. The flutter in your stomach grew as you cautiously turned over to see if it was true.
       To your surprise, and horror, the face that met your eyes was infact who you thought it'd be. You smiled softly, lightly tracing his jawline with your finger tips, quickly trying to reinforce the memories of last night. It's not like you hadn't been in this situation before...you'd found yourself involved in more one night stands than you liked. This time however...the man was famous. You sighed, pulling your hand back from his sleeping figure. Slowly you moved backwards, removing his arm carefully as you got out of bed.
      You knew the drill; leave before they wake up. Mostly so you didn't have to see the looks of regret wash over their faces as they took you in without alcohol induced need. It also helped avoid the odd morning after conversation where they attempted to make you feel like things would progress; and then never did. It was easier this way, you told yourself repeatedly as you quietly redressed and found your shoes. Not wanting to seem rude you scribbled a note on a scrap piece of paper you found on the kitchen counter.

     Thanks for a great evening! I had such a pleasant time :)

Then, with one last look at him on your way out you left. Whispering out loud as you closed the door, " Goodbye, Bill."

~an hour later~

     Bill stirred in bed, the room suddenly too bright to obtain anymore sleep. He smiled to himself, remembering that today...he wasn't waking up alone. Carefully, without opening his eyes due to the light, Bill turned over to hook his arm around his most welcome guest. He furrowed his eyebrows when instead of a plush, soft body, his arm landed directly on the mattress. Bill's heartbeat quickened as his eyes flashed open. To his disappointment she was gone...the side of the bed she had occupied now empty.

     Bill's heart sunk as he stood up out of bed; tossing the sheets off without care. He rubbed his eyes sleepily as he pulled his boxers on, "(Y/N)?" He called hoping that she was either in the bathroom or kitchen. Instead, as he padded softly from room to room, he found his apartment void of her company. Bill's shoulders dropped as he entered the kitchen; a note hung on the fridge.

   He blinked a few times to focus on the words.

       Thanks for a great evening! I had such a pleasant time :)

     He slumped over slightly as it dawned on him what had happened, "No, no....it wasn't a one night thing...fuck!" He leaned back against the counter, frustratedly ripping the note off the fridge. Pieces of last night's conversation started floating around in his mind. One in particular, he kept focusing on trying to remember...where did she work?

    Bill laughed as he took a sip of beer. Staring across the small table at her, he gave a small smile, "Oh, come on. I won't think it's silly. I promise...where do you work?" She sighed, "Why does it matter. You'll forget by tomorrow anyway." Bill leaned towards her, eyes pleading, "Fine. If you won't tell me where you work, can I have your number at least?" She bit her lip, causing his heart to beat fast. He gulped waiting to hear her response, "Okay. I'll give you my number." 

          Quickly, Bill took off looking for his pants from last night. He tripped over his boots as he ran around the corner into the bedroom. His jeans laid crumpled by the door. He picked them up, frantically shoving his hands into the pockets looking for the small napkin she had written on. His efforts proved unfruitful as the napkin was nowhere to be found. He threw his pants across the room as he tried to think of where he had moved it too. In a last ditch move he checked his phone, searching through the listed names. There at the very beginning of newly listed contacts was your name. "Oh thank god," He sighed out in relief.

       With trembling fingers he typed out a message and then backspaced. He didn't want to sound like a desperate guy, but he wanted her to know that he was interested.  After taking a shower to give himself time to think he dried off and sent a simple message...


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