Trust Part 2- Gordon Merkel

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This is for CultDaddyDaniel 

You kept watch as Merkel climbed the fireway. His legs disappearing through the upper floor window was your signal to begin the climb. Your arms began to weaken as you neared the top but you hung on tightly for the last few rungs.

As you lunged through the window, his arm grabbed onto the back of your coat helping pull you in. He chuckled as you stood up, "Someone climbs too slow..." Rolling your eyes as you led the way down the hall. At every corner, one of you would slowly check for a guard before ushering the other forward.

The two of you quietly ran down the flight of stairs; heading for the main office. So far, your plans to restore the borders had gone successfully. One of the last few pieces you needed was documentation of the few businesses that were blackmailing the others into submission. Within a short time you found the correct office door and Merkel was down on one knee picking the lock.

He smirked at you as it swung open slightly. Smirking as you walked passed, you ruffled his hair, "Show off." He stood up fixing it back in place, acting hurt, "Hey, it takes hours to get it right." You laugh quietly, "I know...I've kinda lived with you for a bit now." He nodded as he started to look through the filing cabinets that lined the walls. You followed suit, pulling out a small flashlight and reading through the tabs.

The two of you worked your way through the cabinets, "shit, there's nothing here..." You sighed nodding in agreement. Shoulders dropping you stood up and looked around the room, "This is the right office...they have to be here somewhere." Merkel stood next to you, also looking around, "Maybe there's a panel that opens a safe?" You shook your head, "No. The schematics weren't big enough for that to be the case."

You walked over to the desk and started looking through the drawers. Merkel looked out the door, making sure the guards were still absent. You squinted your eyes, one of the panels looked off. Hesitantly, you placed your fingers on it; pressing it into the table. A clicking sound reverberated throughout the room. Merkel turned back to you, "What was that!?" You looked under the middle drawer to see a new compartment. Smiling you pulled out the large file it contained, "I found it!"

A bright light shown into the room, "Hey! How'd you get in here!?" You gulped tossing the file to Merkel as the two of you dashed out of the room. He ran ahead of you easily, looking back you saw there were now three guards chasing you towards the back door, "Fuck, fuck, fuck." You could feel your anxiety kicking in and began to panic, "what do we do?" He kicked down the door, "Split up! Meet back at my place." He shoved you out the door first, following behind.

You went left and he went right, two of the guards followed him. The last chose you. You don't know how long he chased you before he pulled out the gun. You didn't see it of course, but the shot rang loud and clear followed by a piercing pain in you side. You clutched it, wincing in pain and trying not to scream out; your running now a limp. Quickly you picked a alley and took off down it, throwing trash in all directions and threw a rock to make it sound like you ran further before hiding behind a box next to the garbage.

Time seemed to slow down as you looked down at you hand. It was covered in glistening red liquid. You closed your eyes, panicking. There was no way you were going to make it back to Merkel apartment without losing blood. Closing your eyes, the tears began to fall, "shit..." Footsteps ran down the alley, "(Y/N)!?? Fuck, please answer." You threw the box away; recognizing his voice, "Over here!" His arms wrapped around, picking you up bridal style, "Don't fucking fall asleep on me!"

You nodded, although you could feel the drowsiness already setting in as he ran as fast as he could back to the apartment. Once inside he laid you down on the kitchen table. He ran into his bedroom grabbing a bunch of stuff he needed. He handed you a bottle of vodka, "Drink. Now." You nodded doing as he told. Gulping it down as you saw the prod he was about to use, "Oh my god, just let die. Let me die." He slapped you, "Stop panicking. Breathe and stay calm or I'll nick something and you will die." He ripped open your shirt, exposing the wound.

You held in a breathe as he started, the pain taking it began to cry again but soon the alcohol kicked in and the pain faded into the background. Your not sure when he finished but you remember him leaning over you, "You're gonna be alright."

The next morning you woke up, still laying in the table. Merkel was asleep in the chair, drooling on the table. You smiled softly as you nudged him with your hand, "Gordon, wake up." He slowly woke up, "Hmm, what's going on!?" You chuckled, "I'm up, that's what. Did you get away with the papers?" He nodded as he stood up, "Let me check the stitches now that neither one of us is panicking." You smiled as he lifted the shirt to check on you, "You were panicked?" He looked.up at you, "Of course. You're my partner." He dropped the shirt before leaning closer. His hand cupped your cheek, pulling you close, "and I'm in love with you." You gasped as he kissed you, the feeling more fantastic than you could have imagined, "I love you too, Gordon." He smiled and winked at you as he pulled away, "Oh I know."

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