Survivor's Part 1

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      The party had started to die down as you readjusted the chair cushion beneath you. Today was Matthew's 17th birthday; you and the council members had decided to throw him a party a few weeks back. Boy, had he been surprised when Terri brough out the cake after dinner. The smile on his face could have beaten the sun in brilliance. You smiled to yourself as you watched him talk with Conner; most likely about his training from earlier in the day. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Sally and Gus playing tag. Krystin came from out of the kitchen and placed a hand on your shoulder, "Kitchen is all cleaned up! Will an' I are off ta bed. See ya in tha morning, (Y/N)." You nodded briefly up towards her, "Thank you for doing that. I'm sure Levi and Bettie appreciated the night off to spend it with Layla. Get some sleep; after teaching today, I'm sure you need it." She laughed and waved as she walked over to Will; who had gathered up Sally and Gus to take with them. The tiny family made it's way up to the second floor of the group's home as you took in a deep breath. Krystin and Will had found you all about 6mths ago during a necessary town trip. They were both excellent shots and had dramatically improved the food situation for the group since they had joined you all.

      Conner sat down in front of you, causing you to come back to the now and not past events. You gave him a sleepy smile, "How'd you like the cake?" He shrugged, his hand waving a little in the air, "I've had better but it hit the spot." The two of you chuckled at his knock towards Krystin's baking skills. You rested your arms down on the table, "She tries her best." Conner nodded , "I know. So, Tom, Frank and I were wondering when you wanted to start building the add on? We're cramped as is; if we happened to find anyone else...well, we just don't have the room." You sighed, looking into his eyes, "Let's get it done as soon as possible. I had the plans drafted up already; Levi did a pretty good job." He smirked, "Well, I mean, he did use to do that for a living. Must have felt nice for him to be able to use that skill again." You nodded in agreement as you stood up and walked over to the Community Maintenance Chart, "We'll have all extra hands on deck. Just let Tom and Frank know and they'll put Andrew, Levi and Bettie to work." He stood up and walked to your side, "I'll help out when we get back from hunting." You yawned, "Yeah, I probably will too. Hopefully with all of us working on it; by next month, we'll have several new rooms and people can spread out a bit." Conner smiled softly before patting your shoulder and walking away. As the screen door closed behind him you made your way upstairs to go to bed. After locking your door, you undressed and crawled into bed.

      The sound of your window opening woke you up. Quickly you opened your eyes; heart beating rapidly. You grabbed your gun; aiming towards the intruder as you stood up, holding the sheets tight against your body. You rolled your eyes as you recognized the frame. You put your gun back in its spot and quietly yelled at him "Conner, what the hell!?" He chuckled as he walked up to you, his arms wrapping around your waist, "Sorry, (Y/N), I didn't want to take the chance of someone seeing me come in." You rolled your eyes as you wrapped your arms around him as well, "You could have asked earlier and we could have gone to the barn." He shrugged, looking down at you, "I hadn't wanted to do anything earlier." You scoffed playfully, as he started to lean down into your neck, "Yeah, okay." He chuckled softly, the heat of his breath turning you on. Soon his lips placed kisses along your neck before moving up to your lips; hands moving down to cup your butt as he picked you up and turned the two of you around to face the bed. Soon the two of you were a sweaty mess trying to catch your breaths. He looked over at you, placing one last kiss on your forehead before getting up to get dressed. You rolled your eyes while his back was turned, "Leaving already?" He nodded as he walked over to the window, "Got to get some sleep before tomorrow and I have to get back to my room without anyone seeing." You nodded, he was right but it still hurt, "Alright, be careful." He winked as he crawled back out onto the ledge and left; after remaking the bed you tried to fall back asleep but it never came.

      Instead you got up and took a shower; getting ready for the day. As you made your descent downstairs; Tom and Will were eating breakfast at the table. Tom looked up from his plate, "Up already, (Y/N)? That's not like you. Usually it takes a bucket of cold water to get you up this early!" The two men chuckled as you walked towards the kitchen door, "I couldn't sleep." Lisa and Sean smiled as they continued to prep the food for the rest of the group in an hour or so. Lisa nodded towards the counter along the wall, "There's food and coffee left over from when we cooked for the farmers today." You smiled at her, "Thanks, Lisa." You made a plate and grabbed a mug before heading back out to sit at the table. Will looked over at you, "Krystin had a hard time sleeping last night too. Kept having dreams about her mom." You nodded, "That's awful...she was good woman. Didn't deserve what happened to her." You shook your head slowly as you sipped your coffee. You'd only heard the stories but Luanne had been a lovely woman and their old group had traded her to some cannibals in exchange for letting the others go.

      Will nodded as he stood up, "No...she didn't; too bad we hadn't run into ya'll before hand. I know nothin' like that woulda happened here." He clapped his hand on your shoulder a few times before walking out with Tom to start their daily jobs. You sighed sadly before eating a bit of your breakfast....thinking about what had happened to her made you lose your appetite so you took what you hadn't eaten back into the kitchen. You looked at the barrels of wine and beer, "how much longer til those are ready, Sean?" He looked up from laying out bacon, "I'd say a few more days." You nodded, "Thank god. We could all use some alcohol around here." Then you headed out the back door walking towards the shed were you kept all the large weapons and ammo. As you turned on the light you spoke to yourself, "Time to get ready for a hunt..."

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