Another Chance- Bill

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    Requested by @Moonwalker1999x, hope you like it! :)

It had been several weeks since your fight with Bill. Your heart still ached; yearning for him. Sighing you reminded yourself as to why the two of you broke up, "He's neglectful when he's away and when he's home." He never abused you but he was away for long periods of time and then when he came home it was for short periods of time. These short visits were usually full of press meetings and him reading new screenplays that had come in. You were lucky to have him dedicate one evening to just you. You knew things would be difficult falling in love with a rising star, but you hadn't expected it to be this difficult. He hadn't understood what you were upset about and the two off you had a heated argument. It ended with you telling him... sadly that you thought it was time to break-up, things weren't working out. The last image of Bill in your mind was one of him, with slumbered shoulders and a look of disbelief. He had called and texted almost everyday, trying to get you to contact him. Every night you went to bed crying, hoping that maybe it was just a bad dream and you would wake up next to him. But you didn't.

     Tonight though, your friends took away your phone and convinced you to go out with them. They dressed you in a blue dress, as well as fixed your makeup and hair. You smiled at yourself in the side mirror of the car as it pulled to a stop in the parking lot.

(image below used for dress only.)

     (Y/F/N), practically dragged you behind her as the group made its way into the club

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     (Y/F/N), practically dragged you behind her as the group made its way into the club. The music immediately put you in a good partying mood and after a round of shots the four of you took to the dance floor. You found yourself having a blast and the heartache disappeared for a while. Eventually you made your way to the bar to order a drink and round of shots. Avoiding men's gazes as you didn't feel up to having a one night thing.

    As you waited for the order, a man came up beside you, "Hey gorgoues. I was just wondering if I could get you a drink? I'm Scott." He held out his hand for you to shake, which you did with a smile. He wasn't as tall as you liked, but he was indeed handsome, "(Y/n), thanks, Scott. I already have my drink though. Maybe later." He smirked with a nod, taking you in with his eyes, "I'll wait all evening if I have too." Blushing you made your way back to group with the drinks.

" Blushing you made your way back to group with the drinks

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    (Y/S/F/N) spoke, "Oh my...that man is devouring you. Are you gonna tap that?" Rolling your eyes you shook your head, "No! I'm not ready for that...but I may use him for a free drink later." They laughed  as you downed the shots and went back to enjoying your evening out. A few minutes later you felt a tap on your shoulder, "Mind if I dance with you?" You turned your head to Scott. Hesitantly you nodded, "Sure." What harm would a few dances together cause? He smirked as he placed his hands on your hips, pulling you closer to him. It didn't bother you at first but soon his hands began to wander, touching and squeezing parts of your body that you didn't want him touching. You pushed his arms away, "Hey, that's enough. I don't know you and I am not that kind of girl." He raised his hands in surrender, "I'm sorry. I'll control myself, I promise." You took in a deep breath and nodded, "Alright." At first he kept his word, keeping a slight distance between the two of you. However it didn't last long and soon his hands made contact with you again. Before you could do anything, Scott was whirled around and punched in the face.

   Looking from the man to his attacker, your savior, your heart beat quickened, "Bill!? What are you doing here?" Before your ex could reply he was tackled to the floor. The next several minutes were a blur, the two men fighting over you and then the bouncers kicking them out. You followed, wanting to make sure Bill was okay. Outside he leaned against the wall as he rested his arms on his knees to catch his breath. Gently you placed a hand on his shoulder, "Are you okay?" He looked up at you, his eyes red and teary, " I'm not. I miss you so much and tonight... I walked into that club and saw him running his hands all over you. I couldn't stop myself. Please, just come back to my place so we can talk. I really need to talk to you."

    Your heart lurched at his request but you had to seem like you had a difficult choice. You bit your lip and sighed a bit, "Okay. Let's go." His eyes went from sadness to hopeful as he walked you to the car and drove the two of you to his home. The ride was quiet but you didn't mind. Once you entered the living room you took off your heels and plopped on the couch, " wanted to talk. So, talk." Sitting down next to you he wrung his hands together, "The past few weeks have been really hard on me. Not just because I miss you...but because I finally began to understand what you were upset about. Not seeing you at all made me realize that I took you for granted. I expected you to always be around, no matter what. So I didn't make an effort to make sure you felt appreciated or make time to take you out like you deserved." He looked over at you, taking your smaller hands in his. His thumbs ran small circles on your soft skin, "I'm sorry, (Y/n)...I'm so sorry." That was all you needed to hear before you threw your arms out of his grasp and around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug, "I forgive you.  I never really wanted to break-up but I didn't know what to do..." He pulled back, looking deep into your eyes, "Will you give me a second chance to be with you?" You nodded, tears about to fall, "Yes! Of course." He smiled his perfect smile, laughing happily as he planted a passionate kiss upon your lips.

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