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       You were handing out adverts for the new astronomy display at the planetarium. Your watch beeped and you stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to turn it off. Not looking up before you started walking again you crashed into something, or rather someone, causing their books to fall onto the ground and your papers. You quickly scrambled to pick them up, "I'm so sorry. I should have been watching where I was going." You noticed they were advanced space books and looked up at the guy. He was wearing a red jumpsuit, had shaggy brown hair and green eyes. He was kind of cute and you could feel the embarrassment setting in from running into him,  "Geez, do you really understand what these books talk about?" He nodded taking the two books from you, "Of course. I'm late, I have to go. Bye." Collecting all your papers you ran to catch up to him, "Hey, have you been to the planetarium?" He nodded, "Yes. Once with Sam and Jennifer." You nodded,  not knowing who they were but offered him an advert, "Here you should come tonight. I work there and it'd be cool to see you again." He nodded briefly taking the paper and you introduced yourself, "I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you." You stuck your hand out for him to shake but he just stared at it, "Simon, I have Asperger's. I don't like to be touched." He pointed to the button on his jacket. You smiled, "I see. Well I hope to see you later, Simon." He nodded as you walked away, waving back at him.

His PoV

      Nervously I watched her walk away and then remembered I was late. I ran the rest of the way to work. After picking up all the trash I took my lunch break at noon. Jennifer and Sam meeting up with me. I read the book out loud when Sam saw the advert that, (Y/N) had given me. He looked over at me, "Where did you get this?" I swallowed nervously thinking about her, "(Y/N), gave it to me when she ran into me this morning. She works there and said it would be cool to see me tonight." Sam chuckled a bit, "Do you want to go?"I thought about it for a minute before nodding, "Yes." Jennifer clapped her hands together, "Yay, seems like fun."

       After work, Sam picked me up on time and took me home. Jennifer was there already  and sitting in the living room. She smiled at us and Sam started to cook dinner. She walked over to me as I sat my books down, "So are you going to change, Simon?" I shook my head, "No. Why should I? My clothes are fine." She shrugged, "Oh I don't know, I just thought you might want to." She walked passed me and into the kitchen. Sam pulled her in close and gave her a kiss. I set the table and sat down waiting to eat. During dinner Sam kept looking over at me, "What, Sam?" He stopped mid bite, "Do she cute?"  I shrugged replying hastily, "I don't know." He nodded taking a drink before continuing, "It's just normally you don't like to do anything that's not planned out..." I nodded, that was true but something about (Y/N) made me want to go, "So. I'm trying to be better about it, remember." He smiled as we finished eating and then Jennifer did the dishes. I went to my room and looked in the mirror, thinking back to what Jennifer had asked earlier. I looked fine, my clothes were clean. (Y/N)'s smile flashed into my mind and I smoothed my hair. Then I fixed the collar of my jacket and straightened it out, there now I look fine.

      Jennifer yelled from the door that it was time to go  and we left. The bus arrived at the planetarium quickly and I had to walk behind Sam through the crowded entry way. He grabbed some pamphlets for us and we began to walk around, looking at the displays.  As we approached the new area I tried to look around for (Y/N), but couldn't see her anywhere. I felt disappointed and scrunched my eyebrows up. Jennifer noticed and grabbed my pinky with hers, "It's okay, I'm sure she's here somewhere." I nodded and started to look at the display. The layout they used for stars was a bit off but not by much. I was looking at the last panel for a black hole when a voice came from behind me, "Simon? I was hoping you would come." I smiled and turned around, "(Y/N). The star map is off. Can you fix it?" She shook her head, "No, sorry I'm just a guide. I don't know how to fix that kind of issue."

      I nodded and we started to walk down the rest of the exhibit. She turned to look up at me, her smile beaming, "So...would you like to hangout after your done looking around?" I smiled, the nervous feeling in my stomach returning, "Yes. Want to get ice cream?" She nodded, "I have to go clock out, but I'll be back." I smiled as she walked off. Sam and Jennifer came over, "Enjoying your first date?" I looked at them, "What do you mean?" Sam smiled at me, "Come on Simon, this is a date. (Y/N) asked you to come and now you invited her to go get ice cream." He looked at me waiting for it to click in my mind. I watched as she came back, "(Y/N), is this a date?" She blushed before looking up at me hesitantly, "If you want it to be?" I gulped, the feeling in my stomach growing as I thought about her smile, "Yes, it's a date."  I used my pinky to grab hers, "This is enough touching for now...okay?" She nodded as we started to walk outside, "Okay."

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