The Key to Your Heart- High School!Bill x Chubby Reader Pt. 2

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         The two of you had been dating for several months now and you still weren't completely sure he wasn't planning something. Especially since Alla hjärtans dagwas tomorrow. He hadn't given any reason for this doubt in the back of your mind; except the way he treated you. Never in a million years had Bill Skarsgard ever bought gifts for those he dated. Never had he taken them out to the movies, or the mall or even to his family home. Which is where you found yourself heading as you walked with your arm around his waist. It was Friday and Bill had asked if you wanted to come over for a bit. His arm rested across your shoulders, his fingers gently rubbing shapes onto skin that lay beneath a thin jacket.  He smiled down at you as the wind picked up, "We're almost there. I think we'll beat the storm." With a nod you smiled back, "I hope so. The last thing I want to do is meet your parents while I'm soaked." He chuckled and kissed the top of your forehead, "They'd like you even if you were."

         As the storm clouds darkened in color you found yourself being pulled into an apartment building on the left, "We're, here. Most of my family lives in this building. You'll even be able to meet my grandmother." You smiled softly at his excitement and followed him up the stairs. Bill dug around in his backpack for his key and unlocked the door. He followed you into the entryway, taking off his shoes and tossing his jacket onto a hook there on the wall above you. He offered to do the same for yours which you quickly took off. He lead the way into the kitchen, "My parents will be home soon. Dad is in town for a bit filming a local piece. It won't be to long before they get here." You nodded, setting your bag down by the cabinet and following him onto the couch. He turned the TV on and flipped between channels until he found something semi-interesting. He smiled over at you, "So, shall we do our homework?"

          You smirked, the one thing you found interesting since the two of you had been together was that while he was a troublemaker...he took his school work very seriously. You had been honestly shocked to find his scores were so good and he often helped  you with your math.  During this time he always wound himself around you, placing kisses softly on your shoulder as you worked your problems. It made you feel special and the kisses were always welcome. They were soft and tender; dare you say it, but full of love. This time however Bill started to kiss you neck, working his way up to your ear. You couldn't help but elicit a few moans, "Bill..." He smiled as placed his hand gently onto your chin turning your face towards him. His lips crashed onto yours hungrily, his hands pulling you towards him tightly. Your arms wrapped around him, the feeling of him so close set your heart ablaze. You tilted you head up wards a bit more as his tongue asked for entrance. Your heart seemed to race a million miles an hour as he explored your mouth. The two of you lost all consciousness of time as you continued to kiss each other feverishly. Suddenly the door opened, causing the two of you to pull apart; breathlessly trying to fix your clothes and act like you just hadn't been caught making out on the couch by his parents.

         His dad coughed, "So, brothers aren't home yet I take it? Storm is supposed to start any minute. Hope they beat it here." Bill stood up and nodded, "Yeah, luckily we made it home before the downpour." Just as the words lefts his mouth a giant crack of lightening lit the sky followed by roaring thunder. You jumped, not having expected it. Bill chuckled, "You aren't scared of storms are you, (Y/N)?" You shrugged, a sheepish smile spreading across your face, "Not really...just a little."  Bill's parents smiled as they looked you over, "You must be the one we've been hearing so much about." His mom added as she started getting dinner together, "No wonder, she's a looker and what a gorgeous smile." The compliments made you blush a deep red.  You were saved from further comments by Bill's brothers spilling in throw the door, "It's like a monsoon out there I swear." Bill nodded to the one who spoke, "That's Gustaf. The younger one is Valter."  You nodded watching the two of them take their jackets off only to find that they hadn't protected them at all. Both of them were drenched; their shirts and pants almost sticking to their bodies. Gustaf turned to them all, "Sis is staying over at her friends tonight." Their mom nodded, "I figured as much. They got that new movie in yesterday and that's all she could talk about."

       You walked over to the TV and switched it to the news.  Across the city was a giant storm and it wasn't supposed to let up until late tomorrow. Your shoulders dropped, "I think I might need my parents to come pick me up." Bill's mom spoke up, "Maybe you could spend the night. No sense in having them drive out in it. Why don't you call and see if that's okay?" Bill gave a small towards you, "Only if you want that is." You thought about it a minute; nibbling your lip as you did so, "Why not? I'll ask." Bill's smile grew as you took out your cell phone and called your parents. After a brief explanation of what was going on your parents agreed to let you spend the night and they'd be over later the next day to pick you up. As you hung up a text appeared on your screen from  your best friend. She was asking how studying had went and if you had made it home afterwards alright. You bit you lip as you texted back that you were actually going to spend the night.

         Bill walked up to you, "So? What did they say?" You turned around putting  your phone into your back pocket. Praying that he hadn't seen what (F/N) had texted in response to the news, "They said yes. They'll pick me up sometime tomorrow afternoon." He smiled as his brothers set up a game station for after dinner, " can stay in my room with me." You nodded, "O-okay." Dinner was excellent and the conversation was really good too. Bill's grandma didn't say much but she was hard of hearing so you figured she just didn't catch it all. You could tell that Bill's parents really loved their children; even though one of them caused issues at school all the time. After dinner all of you played several rounds of games. You found you weren't to terrible at them and even enjoyed the rounds were you fought Bill's character and won. The storm was constantly letting you know it was still there but being distracted by the games helped.

         Soon it was rather late and everyone started to head off to bed. Bill led the way towards his room, closing the door after you walked in, "You can wear one of my shirts to bed if you want..." You nodded, "Thanks." He handed one to you from out of its drawer and turned around to let you change. The shirt hung down to your upper thighs...a little shorter than you'd have liked as it revealed  your chubby thighs. Sighing you sat down on the bed, "You can turn around now, Bill." He took his shirt and pants off as he turned back to look at you, "Would you like the inside or outside part of the mattress?"  You shrugged, "It's your bed I'll take whatever side you want me to." He tilted his head, "Babe...what's wrong?" Sighing you looked down at your thighs, "I'm too fat. Why do you find me pretty?" Bill took in a deep breath, standing up tall as he walked up to you, "(Y/N), you aren't pretty; your beautiful. I can talk  with you about anything and have a decent conversation. I can be myself around you and you don't care how silly or stupid I'm being. Your intelligent and I find your body sexy." You chuckled a bit as he sat down beside you and rubbed a hand along your thigh, "I mean it...I'd like to imagine that we're always going to be together."

      You smiled over at him, "Really?" He smiled back, "Yes, really. In fact, I was going to wait until tomorrow but..." He got up and walked over to his dresser and pulled out a small box. He turned, looking kind of nervous, "I saw these a few weeks ago and knew I had to buy them." He sat back down next to you. Your heart pounding as he opened the box, revealing what was inside. Two promise rings. He took one out and looked over at you, "(Y/N), would you take this ring as a promise  to me that we will always love each other. No matter what may come we will work through it and survive as a couple." Your heart stopped; all doubt now officially erased from your mind as you looked at his smile, "Yes, I promise." He licked his lips as he slid it onto your finger and put his on as well. He pulled you close and placed a loving kiss on your lips, "We should go to bed..."You nodded as he let you get in first. The storm was still raging as he wrapped his arm around you and snuggled up, "I won't let anything bad ever happen to you, (Y/N). Happy Alla hjärtans dag, babe." You smiled as you fell asleep in his warmth, "Happy Alla hjärtans dag, love."

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