Survivor's Part 2

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       Carefully you began to select a few items to bring along. A knife which you placed on a belt around your waist; a gun in its holster on the other side, a walkie-talkie and then a rifle with a silencer attached. As you were signing them all out on the log paper, you could see Mandi heading out to the processing building with Charles, Levi and Bettie not to far behind. Today they would probably make some soap and other cleaning items as the cabinet stock had been running a bit low lately. You smiled to yourself as you tossed the clipboard down and headed to the truck. Who would have guessed in the year 2019 people would be making household supplies by hand on the norm?

      After placing your rifle on the passengers side of the front seat you turned and leaned against its side. You crossed your arms trying to hold off the cold. Krystin was out playing around with Mickey and Neola, the two youngest of the children. The older kids would be starting their self-defense training shortly just as the younger ones would start their studies. A knock on the trucks' hood brought you out of your thoughts. You turned your head as you stood up straight; it was Conner. He winked at you, "Well, lets get going then." You nodded and got in, buckling up, "Will said they spotted tracks up by the lake path the other day. Lets go there." He started it up, "Sounds good. I'll tell you what. I can't wait until we don't have to go out hunting all the time." As the truck headed out of the farm you agreed, "Yeah, Frank and Tom were saying it wouldn't be too much longer before the livestock were set up well enough. Plus, it'll be winter soon." Conner took in a deep breath and then turned on the CD player; the drive would take about 15 minutes. It wasn't that you had hunted the area around the farm out; it was trying to keep everything in balance. None of you wanted to over hunt any particular area.

      You turned around and reached behind the seat for your jacket, "It' s already starting to get chilly out. I hope we don't have a bad winter again this year. I hated losing one of the ponies." Conner looked over at you as you put the jacket on, "Yeah...that was a sad loss. I'll never forget how upset it made Sally; pour kid cried for weeks." The little girls face flashed through your mind, "Yeah..." The two of you continued the drive; Michael Jackson blaring through the speakers. Soon the lake came into view and Conner slowly pulled the truck to a stop behind some bigger trees to keep it hidden. He grabbed both guns as you got out and handed yours to you as you came to his side.

     He zipped up his jacket as the two of you headed towards the path Will had mentioned. Conner picked up the pace a bit, "I'm freezing let's walk faster. Warm up a bit." You followed suit and soon the two of you were tracking what seemed to be two deer into the woods. "These tracks look fresh.." You knelt down and pointed to some coming a little to the right of the ones you had been following. Conner rubbed your head, "Good girl." You chuckled as you flipped him off, "Fuck you." He laughed resuming the hunt. The crunch of the leaves echoed around you as you walked. Squirrels ran here and there; getting ready for hibernation. This time of year used to be-well still is you guessed, your favorite time of year. There would be Halloween, then thanksgiving and then of course Christmas. You stopped, squinting your eyes. In the distance you could see a deer! You reached for Conner's jacket causing him to turn around. You put your finger to your lips and pointed in the eastern direction of it's location. Conner nodded as he saw it. Slowly the two of you took aim; the sights making it easier to see the deer. You fired on the exhale. Conner fired as well and down the beautiful beast went.

      You smiled and rose a hand for a high-five which he returned. Running over tot he animal you checked to make sure it had actually died, "Clean kill. That's good." Conner brought out some rope and started to tie it to a tree limp to carry back to the truck. You jumped around a bit trying to warm back up, "So...should we look for the other one or just head out?" Conner was about to say something when a gun shot rang through the air. Immediately the both of you dropped down to the ground, "Who do you think it is?" Conner looked over at you with a worried look on his face, "It could just be another hunter?" You nodded, "Lets get the deer back to the truck and take a look." Conner gave you a look, "Do we really need to do that?" Before you could answer another shot rang out. You nodded your head quickly, "Yeah I think we should." He shook his head disapprovingly but agreed, "Fine." Quickly the two of you hoisted the deer upon your shoulders and sprinted as quietly as you could back to the truck. After getting it into the bed and covered with a tarp. You put your rifle in the truck and took out your handgun from its holster, "I think it came from that way." You jerked your head in the direction and Conner backed you up as you slowly jogged towards the gun shots.

     "Conner help me up," You said as you slapped a ledge that you couldn't climb. Conner chuckled as he heaved himself over it before offering you his arms, "Jump." You did so and soon you were laying on your belly on the ground. You glared at him as you stood up, dusting the dirt off. You were going to say something sarcastic but you froze when you heard voices in the distance. Conner pulled you behind him and lead the way as he crouched down to hide from view. Soon the trees gave way to a small clearing and you gasped. There in the middle of it were four men down on their knees; hands tied behind their backs...and two people lay crumpled over on the ground. The killers kept circling them, "Did you honestly think you'd get away? Once a caged animal always a caged animal." The guy speaking walked up to one of the guys and kicked him in the stomach. Anger started to grow from within; why are people still like this. Why did the good people die while the sickos lived? You looked over at Conner. You could see in his eyes that he felt the same.

      The leader spoke again, "Now, as far as we can tell. Livestock wasn't the only thing that got away. We're missing a breeder; where's Tabitha and maybe you guys will live to see another day." You creased your eyebrows as Conner looked over at you, "Breeder?" He shook his head, "All I see is men, where's the animals?" You took in a deep breath quickly raking your eyes over the men standing up. There on their upper left arms were red and yellow bands, "Oh my's the Wendigo group from Spruce county. Those men are the livestock!" Conner looked back at you with anger written on his face, "You just fucking had to come check it out didn't you? Let's get the hell out of here." You looked at him in disbelief, "You know if that was you out'd be hoping to be rescued." While the two of you were arguing another shot rang out. You jumped, "Fuck..." The leader handed his gun off, "I have to piss. Another five minutes; shoot the next one."

     You looked over at Conner, "I'll distract them. You get the guys." He rolled his eyes, sighing heavily, "You get the guys. I'll be the distraction. I don't think you could handle four guys chasing you down." You thought about it for a second, "Right. Meet back at the truck. Have it ready to go." He smirked, "(Y/N), for god's sake, be careful." You smiled and winked at him as he stood up, "Hey! You assholes. Over here." He fired a gun shot away from them but they didn't know that. The four men instantly took off after him. You waited until they were out of sight and then ran into the clearing. The guys looked confused but you smiled and pulled out your knife, "I'm here to help." You slid behind the first one, roughly cutting through the ropes that kept him from standing up. Then he pulled out a knife and helped you free the other two, "Now, follow me, quickly. No questions!" They nodded as you took off at a sprint. Dodging trees and shrubs you didn't have much time to look behind you but you hoped they were all there. A gun shot rang through the air before the pain registered. Looking at your arm you could tell it was just a graze but it stung like a motherfucker. "You can't get away!" You turned towards the voice. The guys coming to a halt with you, "Get behind me. Now!" You yelled at them as they stood frozen.

      The guy chuckled as he slowly approached, moving a limb out of his way, "Awww, how sweet. Little girlie trying to be a hero. To bad your gonna die in the process, sugar. My boys back home would love to have a go at you." Taking in a deep breath, you laughed at him, counting the paces of ground between the two of you, "You know; who would've thought asshats like you would still be around. I would have fed you to the dead first thing." He looked a little taken aback before raising his gun, "Any last words?" You released your breath, "Yeah...I used to work the summers at a wild west reenactment town." He chuckled, "Well, this i-" His face changed as the shot rang out, your gun already being lowered again, "See...I'm the best quick draw this side of the states." You turned around and motioned for them to run, "Go!" Soon you were jumping the ledge you were too short to climb, rolling on the ground before getting back up. You didn't know where the other men were but you hoped Conner had taken care of them, "This way!" You said as you grabbed onto a tree, using your momentum to change directions. There in front of you was the truck, "Oh thank god." Conner waved at you frantically, "Speed it up woman!"

      Within minutes the five of you were speeding down the highway. Conner looked over at you as you neared the drive, "Think they're following through the woods?" You shook your head, "I don't think so but we are gonna put up the screen for a few weeks. No hunting. We can fish the ponds and live off what we have until then." He nodded as he looked into the rearview, "What about them?" You looked back at the dirt covered men, "We'll question them like we did Krystin and Will. If they turn out okay...we have more hands to help with the add-on." Conner grunted as he pulled the truck to a stop so he could place the screen out. You watched as he had one of the guys help him roll it out; towering just as tall as the trees and it looked like there was nothing behind it. The best way to cut off the entrance to the community. Keep it secret. Keep it safe.

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