Just Don't- Martin (Behind Blue Skies, Smut)

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     Requested by @EddieToizer12959 Hope you enjoy!

    The bell rang allowing you and your friends to pour out into the hall. Laughing at something one of them said, you pushed your hair back behind your ear. Martin,  one of your best friends since childhood, and his friend Mike were standing next to  your locker. You waved hello as you neared them, "Hey, Martin. Mike. How was class?" He shook his hair, removing the unwanted strands from his eyes, "Chemistry was terrible." Mike sighed in agreement, "Yeah, I totally tanked that test." As the three of you walked out of the building your boyfriend, Scott, came you up behind you. His hands grabbing onto the sides of you waist and tickling you. You let out a shriek as you turned around, "Scott! You know I hate that." He shrugged, as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, "So, we heading to the diner and then over to the field for the baseball game?" You rolled your eyes, "Of course. Martin is playing tonight too." Scott glanced over at him, "Oh, really?" Martin nodded, as he got ready to get on his bike, "Yeah. Should be fun. See you later, (Y/N)." Scott pulled you behind him, barely allowing you to wave goodbye to your friend.

   Dinner passed with jovial conversation of the rapidly approaching game. Scott left you alone after he finished eating so he and his team could head over to the field to warm up. As you finished you saw, Martin and Mike outside the window. Quickly you grabbed you bag and ran to catch up with them. Out of breath you grabbed your knees to  catch your breath. Mike chuckling at you as they waited to walk, "You guys walk fast." Martin's smile lit up his face, "Well, its running fast that matters tonight." You nodded as you started to lead the way.

       What you didn't see was Martin licking his lips and he took in the sight of you from behind in the dress  you were wearing. Mike caught him and slapped his arm, "Stop it." he whispered out. The both of them knowing what Scott was really like and what he would do if he had caught him. He sighed looking down at the ground, trying to avoid getting the shit beat out of him. The two of them let you walk further ahead, "Does she even know?" Mike shook his head, "Probably not. Scott wouldn't tell a girl like that, that he worked for a gang." He looked at his friend, "Why don't you just tell her how you feel. I bet she feels the same way." Martin bit the inside of his cheek, "Nah..."

    You smiled at them as you sat on the bench along the sidelines, "Good luck!" Scott walked over to you, looking a bit roughed up but you didn't think anything of it. He placed a quick kiss on your lips and then handed you his jacket, "Hold this for me babe." You nodded as he ran out into the field for his position. First few innings didn't have many points but towards the end, you found yourself rooting for Martin's team as Scott's kept cheating. Martin couldn't help but grin every time you yelled his name and he knew Scott could see. While he was scared, he knew, if you were there he wouldn't do anything. Scott threw his glove to the ground as yet another home run was made by the opposite team. With that the game was over. He sulked back over to you and grabbed his jacket roughly, "Come on babe, lets get." You stood up and shook your head, "Not yet. I want to say bye to Martin." Scott scoffed, walking away, "See you tomorrow."  He got in the car and took off without you. You sighed, "What a sore loser." Martin walked up to you, the sun setting off in the distance. Other players were throwing the ball back and forth, not quite ready to go home yet. He smiled and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, "I'll walk you home." Mike waved as he went his own way, the two of you waving back.

    The walk was quite and you couldn't understand why. Every time you tried to talk to him he just seemed to be off on his own. Finally you reached back porch to your house, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Be safe going home." He nodded, seeming like he wanted to say something but didn't. He gave you a small smile, tucking his hands into his pockets and started to walk away. sighing you walked up the stairs to your room. Neither of your parents were home right now. Both of them worked the overnight shifts at different locations. Carefully you began to unzip your dress when a knock on your window made you jump. Glaring you turned to see who it could be and then you dropped  your shoulders. There in the window was Martin, "I want to talk to you for a minute, (Y/N)." Shaking your head you pulled the window up, "Alright. Next time you could just use the door. You know, like a normal person." He bent down, lowering himself into your room, "Where is the fun in that?"

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