"So you left California to spend your high school here? Why?" Logan asked Brian, curiosity getting the best of him.

"Indeed I did." He said , his eyes on me now as he continued.

"Why?Well let's just say I needed to come back to make things right..... and be at... home!" He replied, his electrifying blue eyes still on me. I hid a yawn but failed. Logan noticed it.

"Time to head home. I'll take you home -"

"But Bro I needed your help with my car.... I don't know what's wrong with it" Caleb said grabbing our attention.

"That can wait. I-"

"Go on ahead. I can go on my own dad!" I joked getting a frown from Logan.

"But ..."

"No buts! Only helps! Go on." I said placing a kiss on his lips which he took instantly.

Caleb mouthed a thank you as I left the diner.

I got out my keys to open my car.

"Hey... can I ask for a favour?"

Brian said from behind me, making my heart race.
I sighed heavily. I placed a hand on my chest and spun around to face him. Those piercing blue eyes held a different emotion that I suck at reading.

"You know you should stop creeping up on people" I stated earning a brazen smile from him.
He rolled his eyes and puckered his lips.

"So since you're a smarty pants in Biology and I suck at it.. I was wondering if you could like tutor me?" He asked shyly.

I shrugged. I've never tutored anyone , not because i don't want to share knowledge but cause I'm bad at teaching... really bad but by his puppy face I just couldn't let him down, I don't like letting any one down plus I owe him for repairing my tyre.

"S-sure!" I replied hesitantly.

"Great. Can we start soon like Sunday or Monday?" He asked happiness clear on his face.

"Monday sounds fine. Goodnight Brian " I said getting into my car.

"Goodnight Yolanda and thank you for this " he said as I backed out of the parking space.

He waved before I stepped on the accelerator and speedily drove on the barren road to home... to my bed.

I didn't pack any clothes cause well I'm going home and half my clothes are there. I was so excited to go home that i woke up at five. I decided to take Max with me as well so I did feed him enough for the trip and did pack snacks for the three of us.

Logan hasn't come yet but received a text from him saying he'll be there in ten. I waited outside, sitting on my door step with Max and my bag full of snacks.

His black jeep wrangler pulled up at the road side. I hurriedly made my way to the car, Max following behind. Logan dressed in a navy blue polo shirt and black cargo shorts,his chestnut hair ruffled from the breeze. He ran his fingers through his hair neatening it , a few strands fell over his eyes.

Is he trying to look attractive act like those hot guys in movies when the stylishly get out of the car? I giggled at the thought and didn't go unnoticed by him.

"What's funny?" He asked grabbing my bag and flashing me a smile. I shook my head and got into his car. He got in after getting Max comfortable in the back.

"Ready to go?" He asked as his jeep roared to life. I simply nodded as he drove us off to home.

We arrived at our destination a little after ten. My bottom became numb from sitting too long. I stretched my body and breathed the clean , fresh air. The atmosphere here is far different from that of my house in town. Out here, out of town, out of the busy life, lies a peaceful, calm haven where one can be closer to nature then anywhere.

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