|Norman & Ray| Bros Before Hoes

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Genre: PhotographicMemory!Male!Reader, Ordinary!AU

(Y/N): Your First Name
(G/N): Random Girl's Name

(Y/N)'s POV

"(Y/N)... It's time to wake up..." Norman called out as he tried to shake me awake. I groaned as I lifted my blanket.

"Five more minutes..." I grumbled, trying to get more sleep. I heard him sigh before a large amount of weight got on top of me.

"What the-!?"

"-Wake up," Ray ordered, trying to crush me alive.

I growled as I tried to push him off, but he kept a tight grip on my stomach.

"Fine!" I shouted in exasperation, sitting up on my bed and pushing Ray to the side.

"Took you long enough," Ray mumbled as he got off my bed while Norman rolled his eyes.

"Good morning to you too," he smiled, I grumbled to myself as I got up with a yawn.

"What time is it...?"

"Around 6:30, so get ready already," Ray sharply answered as he went to the kitchen while Norman set up the table.

"Yeah, yeah..." I waved as I went to the bathroom.

"Nice work (Y/N). You could be as good as Norman or Ray if you keep it up," Mr. Ratri smiled as he gave me my papers.

I politely smiled back before he went around the class. I inwardly sighed in relief as I looked at my papers.

"Wow... You actually answered the questions word-for-word from the textbook," Ray said in an amused tone.

"Do you know where this is in the book?" he pointed at a random question.

I gave him a side glare before answering, "... I think around page thirty-six, at the right side... Around the bottom...?"


"...He's right," he confirmed after skimming through the book.

"Yeah, what a gift," I remarked sarcastically, sinking in my chair.

"What's wrong with it?" Ray asked, leaning closer to me.

"Just because I remember it, doesn't mean I understand it. Plus, it looks like I was looking at the book, during the test," I grumbled, hiding my papers in my bag.

"Don't be so hard on yourself (Y/N). I think it's a helpful ability," Norman comforted with a pat on my back.

I sighed as I looked around, spotting a peculiar girl by the doorway.

"Well, I guess it's good for some things..."

The bell suddenly rang, signaling that it was time for lunch.

"(Y/N)," Mr. Ratri called out, "See me after class,"

"Y-Yes, sir..." I nervously smiled.

'What is it this time...?'

"Is that all?"


"...Very well, you may go," I bowed at Mr. Ratri and went out of the teacher's lounge.

I sighed in relief as I walked out, seeing Norman and Ray waiting.

"What did Mister Ratri want?"

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