|Emma| All That Matters

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A/N: I half got the idea from a TodoDeku doujin :| I honestly wanted this to be just fluff but my brain had other plans.

Genre: Slight Angst, Fem!Reader, Ordinary!AU

(Y/N): Your First Name

(Y/N)'s POV

"(Y/N)!" an energetic voice called out. I turned around and saw Emma running straight at me. In a panic, I tried to prepare myself mentally for the impact but she then wrapped her arms around my waist and twirled me in a second.

"G-Good morning, Emma..." I greeted nervously. She put me down and started to nuzzle her face to the crook of my neck.

"Good morning (Y/N)~" she greeted as Ray and Norman walked up to us.

"Good morning, (Y/N)" Norman greeted.

"Morning, apologies for this idiot," Ray greeted and started to pry Emma off of me but she held on.

"Nooooo...!" Emma said and tried to hold onto me.

"Emma, we need to get to class," Norman reminded making the girl pout and let go.

"Later, (Y/N)! I'll talk to you at lunch!" Emma waved goodbye as the three walked to their classroom.

"Okay, later!" I waved goodbye as I went to my classroom.

When I got to my classroom, I saw Violet looking at magazines in her seat.

"Good morning, Violet," I greeted as I took the seat beside her.

"Good morning," she greeted back, not taking her eyes off of the magazine.

"What are you reading?" I asked as I looked closer at the article.

"I'm trying to look for makeup tips," she answered flatly.

"How are things with you and that Emma girl?" she asked while flipping through the pages. I felt my face became warm and looked away.

"W-We're just friends..." I answered making Violet give me a 'Stop lying' face.

"It's true!" I defended. Violet sighed and put away her magazine.

"So you haven't answered her yet?" she asked while facing me. I looked down and tried to think of an answer.

"...I thought so..." Violet breathed out and went back to her magazine.

"So what about her is it that you don't like?" she asked catching me off guard.

"I-it's not like that... it's just that... Um..." I stuttered, unable to find the right words to say.

"...Is it because she's a girl?" Violet asked abruptly. I went quiet and thought about her question.

"Not exactly... it's-"

"Settle down class, we have a lot to discuss today" the teacher went inside and started to put down her things on her desk. I sighed and faced the board.

"Let's just talk about this later..."

"(Y/N)!" Emma called out while waving her arms around. Ray bonked her on the head while Norman tried to calm down the two. I giggled at their behavior and waved my hand as the three walked to my table.

"Hey, (Y/N), are you busy later?" Emma asked.

"Hmm... not really. Why?" I asked as I took a bite of my lunch. Her face let up and took out her phone to show a photo.

"There's this new shop nearby and I wanted to check it out," she explained.

"Ooh, are we waiting for Norman to finish his presidential duties after school?" I asked, surprising Emma.

"W-well, I was hoping it would be just us two," she said bashfully. I blushed at the comment and looked away.

"I-Is that so? O-okay then," I said as I took another bite of my lunch.

"Why don't you two just kiss already?" Ray asked as he jabbed his fork to his lunch. Emma and my face were bright red now and we couldn't look at each other in the eye.

"H-hey!" Emma shouted hitting Ray on the arm repeatedly while Norman and I laughed at the two.

After school, I fixed my things and went out of the classroom.

"Where are you going in such a rush?" Violet asked.

"I promised Emma I would check out this new shop with her," I answered, ready to go out.

"Oh, so you do like her..." Violet remarked with a smirk. I blushed and glared at her.

"She's just a friend, Vi" I corrected.

"Sure, whatever you say," she sarcastically said. I rolled my eyes and went out of the room. As I looked around, I saw Emma waiting for me by the gate.

"Emma!" I called out and started running to her. She turned her head to me and smiled brightly.

"(Y/N)!" she called out. I hugged her quickly and pulled away.

"So, where's that shop you were talking about?" I asked.

"It's just around the corner, here, I heard they sell the cutest little keychains!" Emma commented, making me chuckle.

As we walked around, I noticed some people were staring at us. I raised a brow at their behavior but shook it off.

"Are those two dating?"

"Aww, how cute!"

"They look like friends to me..."

I nervously laughed at their remarks.

"People can be so nosy, huh, Emma?" I asked and noticed the orange-haired girl stopped a few steps back. Her hands were clenched and her bangs were hiding her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I walked closer.

"(Y/N)... Just what am I to you...?" she asked with watery eyes. I felt a stab on my chest when I saw tears fall from her face. I quickly walked up to her and wiped them away.

"When I confessed to you, you said you'll consider it... and you never talked about that since... why?" she asked in between sniffles. I felt guilt and regret all over me as I watched her.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Emma... I didn't mean to hurt you like this..." I apologized as I hugged her tightly.

"I love you, (Y/N)... I absolutely adore you... Even to this day... My feelings for you never changed," she cried and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"I... I love you too..." I confessed. I felt her body stiffen and she pulled me away. Dumbfounded by my statement. I smiled at her lovingly as I wiped away her tears.

"It's just that... You're one of the best students in the whole school... You, Ray, and Norman are practically untouchable... And I'm just me... I'm no match... And the fact that I'm a girl just adds to the table. I don't want people talking bad about you because of me..." I added sadly. Emma grabbed both of my hands and pecked me on the cheek.

"(Y/N), you're the most beautiful person I've ever met! Inside and out. I'm grateful to be with you every single day. Who cares if you're a girl? You're the one that makes me happy and that's all that matters... So, please... Don't talk about yourself like that..." she practically shouted with a red face. I felt blood rush to my face as I covered it with my hands.

"O-okay... just please don't shout something so embarrassing like that..." I said as I covered my face to the crook of her neck. She giggled at this and hugged me lovingly.

"I love you, so much..." she confessed again. I smiled and pulled away. I put a hand on her cheek and kissed her on the lips.

"I love you too, my sunshine" I added making her smile widely and kiss me again.


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