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You snapped out of your thoughts. Why the fuck are you hesitating?? He was literally offering you your freedom. You gathered all your strength to stand up then walked closer to the window. You tried to spot if there were any traps outside, but it seemed as there were none. Quietly, you made your way out of the room and to the first floor. No one was here. In the corner of your eyes, you saw that the door was open.

Near the door was an umbrella and your shoes beside it. Holy shit, he was really letting you go! Still in disbelief, you walked towards the door. You slid on your shoes then went to grab the umbrella. 'What if its a trap?' A voice in your head pointed out.

You took in a deep breath and set aside the doubtful voice. If you were going to escape, you have to do it with no hesitation. You went back up and snatched the picture of the man and Yoru off the wall. You ran downstairs then towards the exit. You didn't even bother to take the umbrella with you.

'Run (Y/n)! RUN!'

Not once did you look back and not a single ounce of you regretted your decision. You ran as fast as your legs could and avoided the trees which surrounded you. Sad eyes gazed at your fleeing form from the cabin window. His fists turned white as he clenched them because of anger and betrayal. "Yoru, I told you this would happen. We just let her g-"

The sound of a vase being thrown on the floor silenced the man. He knew that the assassin was angry and he knew he felt betrayed, but at the same time, he knew that this situation was inevitable. That girl would always long to escape even if you give her the nicest cage.


"Izumi. Leave. Me. Alone."

- - -

You ran with all your might and continued to look forward. You were not taking the chance of going back to that horrible human being again. After what seemed like eternity, you finally got out of the woods. Seeing the familiar cement road made you ecstatic. You never thought that one day you would be so happy to see cement. The sound of a car approaching snapped you out of your thoughts.

"HELP ME!" You shouted and flailed your arms in panic. The car ruthlessly sped by you. They didn't even bother to listen to you. Tears made their way down your cheeks as your gripped tightened on the picture frame. You were losing hope, but more importantly, you were losing your energy and hope. You panted while you tried to spot if there was an incoming vehicle.

After a minute of nothing, you started to lose hope. You prayed to whoever was up there that someone would stop by and help you get out of this place before he caught up to you. After all, you didn't know whether he changed his mind or not. Your head started to get dizzy. Oh shit you were getting lightheaded.

On the verge of passing out, your ears picked up on the familiar sound of an incoming car. Out of desperation, you ran to the middle of the road and shouted for help.

The tires let out a screech as it tried not to hit you; it didn't help that the roads were slippery due to the weather. That was a very reckless move, but you had no choice. You swore to yourself that you would escape with no hesitation whatsoever. Slowly, you were losing your consciousness.

The car stopped and the person behind the wheel flung their door open. They ran towards you and caught you before you fell on the ground. You hugged the picture frame closer to you. It was a very important piece of evidence and you would not want to lose it. The last thing you heard were muffled shouts before you blacked out.

- - -


What is that?


Why does my alarm clock sound like that? Wait no..


You heard the sound of the door gently open, followed by several footsteps. You could hear muffled voices, but other than that, everything else seemed pretty quiet. You felt so calm and serene. This would be a good way to die. Wait...die? The beeping, the footsteps and the voices..were you alive??? Did someone get you into a hospital?

"Yes..it seems that she's..."

"Thank you...much..."

That voice. That was your father's voice! With a new surge of motivation, you tried your best to open your eyes or just anything that would let them know you're awake. After much effort, you felt your finger twitch. You heard a gasp then the shuffling of footsteps. Suddenly you felt something that you longed for.


You felt someone clutch your hand and a voice gently thanking you for being alive. Another person held your other hand then traced circles with his thumb.


- - -

When you had woken up, Sebastian was the very first to greet you. He stood there, smiled at you, then welcomed you back home. That moment made you burst in tears. Immediately, he was by your side and hugged you. The reassurance of his hug made you feel so relieved. Finally, everything was over. You were safe now...

You spent over a month at the hospital. The doctors couldn't believe the amount of various poison injected in your body. They said it was a miracle for you to survive. Your dad took a break from his work and stayed with you majority of the time in the hospital. Sebastian forbid you from eating anything else but the hospital food, saying something about following the doctor's orders, but he caved over a few times and snuck you some sweets.

Oh, did I mention that you had to go to therapy? Now that, it was uhm..very depressing. Not only did you have to relieve the horrible memories, but you also had to drink pills that would magically make you forget about the traumatizing events that happened to you. You weren't mentally stable and it was hard to answer the policeman that came in for the investigation.

The picture that you brought with you apparently helped a lot in the case. Their appearance were revealed to the public and they found some traces of fingerprints. The names Daku Yoru and Suzuki Izumi were plastered all over the news, so the police were sure that they went into hiding. But..that wasn't what bothered you.

When you told the police about the huge and expensive cabin in the middle of the woods, they told you that there was no such thing. When you were found, the police immediately searched every corner of the woods, but they only found an old abandoned cabin. Heck, they didn't even find the house Yoru first took you to. It bothered you to the point that you thought you were going crazy.

Your therapist helped you go past that, but there will always be that feeling of fear that you would wake up and realize that your escape was only nothing, but a dream.

- - -

Go to the next chapter if you chose to stay! Oh and I finally revealed his name!! Suzuki Izumi was a completely random name that I just thought of in the moment oop.

Obsession ☭ Yandere Assassin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now