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You struggled to open your eyes and as much as you wanted to regain consciousness, your body wouldn't agree with you. Not only did you feel tired, but your body ached as well. The restraints on your limbs uncomfortably rubbed against your skin every time you made even the slightest of movement.

   'Where am I?' You thought as you tried to look around the room. When you had finally snapped out of your daze, you noticed that you weren't wearing any clothes under the blanket that was sprawled across your body. It kept you warm and yet you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. After much struggle, you gave up and tried to stay calm. You distracted yourself by observing the room you were in and really there wasn't much to see. It was dark, the only light source coming from a small lamp placed in the corner of the room. There weren't any windows nor a balcony. The only exit and entrance was the door you faced and you assumed it was locked.

Suddenly you heard tapping. It was slow but steady and you were sure it was getting louder, perhaps nearer to you. The tapping stopped and immediately your eyes scanned the room, the walls, the floor, and the stupid small lamp-

  The lamp.

A gasp made its way out of your mouth as you stared at corner of the room. Your heartbeat quickened and your (e/c) eyes widened. Near the lamp was a spider, a massive one. The light shone on it and its shadow taunted you; it looked absolutely terrifying. A shiver went down your spine as the spider raised its front feet to slap the ground. It made a hissing sound before it proceeded to move towards you. A scream erupted from your mouth as the spider decreased the distance between the both of you. You trashed your body around, hoping to get as far away from the terrifying creature. The door slammed open, but you didn't care. The only thing that you wanted was that eight legged creature to stay away from you.

Yoru chuckled at your reaction then quickly stepped on the hairy creature. You relaxed your body when you heard the familiar sound of the spider being squished. Yoru shook the dead spider from his shoes then made eye contact with you. Shit, you completely forgot about him. Your body tensed and your throat went dry. Was he here to hurt you? No, he would never..right?

"(Y/n), dear, you're finally awake!" Yoru said with a gentle smile. You stared at him and wondered how long would he keep this act? Oh, you wanted so badly to ask him why he was doing this, but that would only set him off and it would not be good for you. Yoru sat at the side of the old bed then glared at you.

"If you want to get out of this room you better not disobey me." He said in a firm tone. You slowly nodded, desperate to get out of this room. A smile replaced his scowl then he started to untie the restraints around your limbs. When you were free, you clutched the blanket and covered yourself. For a second you swore that you saw him smirk at your scared form. "I think it's time for you to have a shower hmm?"

Yoru led you into a bathroom which seemed fairly clean compared to the rest of the house. He gestured for you to walk in the shower, his intense gaze never leaving your body. "I'll leave some clothes for you outside the door. There's already a towel inside the cabinet. You better not do anything or else I'll open this door." He threatened before he closed the door. A sigh left your mouth and your body relaxed. For now you can relax and enjoy your shower.

- - -

When you dried yourself and got dressed, Yoru led you into what seemed like the dining room. On the old table, there was some food and you had to admit, it sure did look appetizing. You grabbed the spoon to eat, but you stopped. 'What if it's drugged?' You thought. A sigh caught your attention and you turned your head to look at him.

"It's just food. You really think I would drug you, sweetheart?"

'Of course I would. You literally knocked me unconscious then kidnapped me.' You mentally rolled your eyes. If you had said this out loud, it was for sure that you would have been in deep trouble. After all, you didn't exactly how stable he was. God only knows what he did to you when you were knocked out. Your stomach grumbled out of hunger and you had finally taken a bite out of the food he made. If you weren't in this situation, you would have praised him for this tasteful dish. Yoru smiled at you and thought that maybe everyday could be like this. It's a good thing for you that he didn't know you were coming up with ways to escape this wretched house.

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