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"Sorry. I slipped." Yoru said.

  He let go of you then walked away, leaving you standing there. Your eyes widened as you realized what just happened. People stared at you, dumbfounded. Flustered, you immediately walked away from the crowd and hid in the bathroom.

  You stared at yourself in the mirror and took deep breaths. You closed your (e/c) eyes as you tried to forget the scene that occurred earlier. Although, the more you try to forget, the more you remember.


  You snapped your open and looked around your surroundings.

"Hello?" Your voice echoed throughout the bathroom. You checked each stall, but found no one. It was unusually cold in the bathroom which was why you kept shivering. At that moment, you realized something. You slowly tilted your head upwards and found a window.

  An open window.

The thought of a person stalking you sent shivers down your spine. Frightened, you rushed to the door and turned the knob, but it didn't open. You tried again and again, but no matter what, it wouldn't open. At this point, you panicked.

"HELLO? IS ANYONE OUT THERE?" You shouted as you banged on the door. After minutes of waiting, no one answered. Feeling hopeless, you leaned on the door and sighed. You looked at your watch and saw that it was time for class. You closed your eyes and dozed off to sleep, completely forgetting about the open window.

- - -

  Yoru stared at the door, no, glared at it. He was anticipating your arrive, but after almost thirty minutes of waiting, he got annoyed.

'What the fuck is taking her so long?' He thought.

  Yoru raised his hand and excused himself to the bathroom. He went around the school and tried to find you, but it was useless. It was like you fell of the face of earth. Yoru ran his hand through his blond hair and sighed. He figured you just wanted to skip class, but his gut told him that you wouldn't dare do that. After minutes of thinking, he decided to go back to finding you.

- - -

  Everything was dark, but what scared you the most was that it was silent. It was too silent. You hated it. Just the thought of being alone and lost scared you. You tried your best to keep calm and breathed in then out. You tried to move your body, but it was useless. It was as if you were paralyzed. At this moment, you panicked,

  You shouted for help , but all you heard were echoes. Echoes of your pleads and cries. At this point, you felt tears sliding down your cheeks. You voice felt hoarse and your heart beat was thumping out of your chest.


A camera? Someone was filming you? You gasped. It was that sound again, from earlier.



"Whoever you are, let me go!!"


You tried to contain yourself and remained calm, but you couldn't help it. Everytime you would speak, you would hear someone taking pictures. It was as they were enjoying seeing you suffer. After countless moments of asking questions, you had enough.


At last, it stopped. You sighed and thought that it was finally over. Oh how wrong you were.

"You don't seem to like pictures...should I just film you then?"

Obsession ☭ Yandere Assassin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now