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The police took both of you in for questioning, but mostly focused on Yoru. When the police arrived, they saw Yoru covered in blood while he was hugging you. Thinking he was the one who caused all the trouble, they pulled the both of you apart and handcuffed him.

You explained the misunderstanding, but the fact that Yoru managed to dodge the first time they tried to handcuffed him made him more of a suspect rather than a victim. With the help of a few connections that your dad had, he pulled some strings and got Yoru to be free of charge. And with the help of bargaining with money, the police considered it as self-defense and told the bystanders to not speak of it.

The blond boy softly smiled at you once he got in the limo. You replied with a small forced smile then looked away. The memories of blood and violence couldn't disappear from your head. As much as you wanted to forget, you couldn't. Yoru noticed that you were in deep thought and put his hand over yours. This action startled you, but you forced yourself to clam down as your father was also in the limo.

"It's okay. We're safe now." He softly said. You nodded your head and didn't even bother to smile; you were uncomfortable. You wanted his bloody hand off yours. Although, it did give you warmth, you did not like the idea of getting more blood on you.

Blue eyes followed your gaze and noticed it was set on his hand. He sighed and retracted his hand back to himself. This made your body relax then let out a deep breath that you did not know you were holding. As you looked out the window, you had a realization.

You never did get your ramen...

- - -

Sebastian opened the limo door with a smile that reached his eyes. "Welcome back, Miss (Y/n), how was your first day of school?" He then noticed your bloodied clothes then frowned. You shrugged your shoulders and pretended not to care. You hurried up and went into the gigantic manor that you called, home. Yoru stepped out of the limo and as soon as Sebastian saw him, he glared.

"What have you done?" His sharp and cold tone towards Yoru did not go unnoticed by the household servants that were also waiting outside for their masters arrival. Your dad came out of the limo then put his hand on Sebastian's shoulder. Sebastian's glare then turned into a fake smile. After all, he did not want to get punished by his master.

"It's okay, Sebastian." Your dad said. Sebastian bowed then said something in the lines of 'Yes, my lord.' As your dad went in the manor, Yoru and Sebastian glared at each other. Sebastian whispered something to Yoru's ear.

"If you ever harm her, you will get punished by everyone in this household. I have been taking care of her since her birth, please refrain from forgetting your position here." Yoru simply nodded, not affected to the head butler's intimidating aura. He had met people who were far more worst.

- - -

The cold breeze lightly tickled your (s/c) skin and blew away a few strands of your (h/c) hair. You were sitting next to your opened window, admiring the night sky. A sigh escaped your plumped lips as you stared helplessly at the stars. It was late, very late, but you couldn't sleep. Not with the events that happened earlier. Your school uniform was stained in blood, good thing you had three more.

You suddenly heard the squeak of your door. In instinct, you turned your head swiftly to try and find out who was there. Your door was now slightly opened. You slowly stood up and approached your door. As you reached it, your trembling hand grabbed the door knob and opened it further more.

A shadow caught your attention and you silently shat yourself. You immediately calmed down as you noticed that it was just the shadow of a tree. A deep breath made its way out of your mouth. Your body instantly relaxed knowing that there was no sign of danger. Maybe you were just paranoid because of the earlier events..right? You shut the door quietly and closed your window. As you lay on your bed, you instantly fell asleep.

Yoru went out of the shadows then checked if anyone saw him. He wanted to go to your bedroom and watch you sleep, but it did not go his way.

Obsession ☭ Yandere Assassin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now