ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ²⁵

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When you woke up, it was already dark outside. Your back ached and you were terribly cold. The moon only provided minimal light which made it even scarier considering that you had no idea what was hiding behind that darkness. Not only were your feet full of scratches, it seemed that you had caught a fever. You tried to embrace yourself for more heat, but it was useless. The climate was unforgiving and cold.

"Sh-shit, how do I know where I am? Where will I even go..?" You muttered under your breath.

When you gathered enough strength, you slowly stood up and made your way into whichever direction you deemed was good. After a few minutes of walking, you saw a glimpse of light which seeped through the crevices of the trunks. You walked closer to the direction of the light, but not enough to be seen. A huge cabin entered your line of sight. It seemed like it was well maintained and by the looks of it, someone was inside the house. You let out a relieved sigh as you thought of the warmth you would feel once you got in.

Using the little strength you have left, you walked towards the door of the cabin then knocked. You heard the shuffling of footsteps as well as the music that softly played in the background. Soon enough, the door opened and a man in his twenties greeted you. As soon as the door fully opened, you collapsed into the arms of the stranger.

- - -

Upon waking up, you burrowed into warm, soft sheets. Although you felt horrible because of a headache, you were better compared to your state before. You rubbed the remainders of sleep from your eyes. Now that you were fully awake, you felt the aching of your tired and sick body. You coughed a few times before finally sitting up.

The room you were in was very modern looking and well, expensive. The ceilings were high and the windows were huge. If the sun had already risen up, you were sure the view was fantastic. While you were busy admiring your surroundings, the man who owned the house quietly observed you. After a few more minutes, he let out a cough to alert you of his presence. You calmly turned your head to him. You were still dazed and everything hasn't registered in your mind. Despite your hazy state, you still noticed how good looking the guy was. He had black hair which faded into grey at the tips and blue grey eyes. 'Woah, he's gorgeous.'

"Thank you for the compliment, stranger."


- - -

So, uhm I was actually debating on whether or not I should end the story or extend it a little bit more. I decided to extend it ʕʔ I thought that I could have more fun with this story and make (y/n) suffer a little bit more nyeheheh (`∀')Ψ

Oh and this is what the guy looks like!

I haven't named him yet because I kept changing his name so for now, he'll be unnamed until I figure out what to call him

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I haven't named him yet because I kept changing his name so for now, he'll be unnamed until I figure out what to call him. Maybe in the next chapter or so! He's from diabolik lovers as well (Ruki Mukami).

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