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"Katsumi..?" You couldn't believe it. No, you refused to believe it, but what can you do when the living proof is right in front of you. A smirk made its way on his lips as his emerald scanned your expression. The red haired bastard from your school was the one who kidnapped you. You felt so stupid. All this time, you thought the voice and even the way he taunted you were familiar. But you didn't want to believe your suspicions. You were too stubborn for that.

"Princess, you actually remember my name!" Katsumi shouted, his tone laced with sarcasm. You still couldn't believe it. To think that a classmate of yours, who you didn't even spend much time with, harmed you. This was certainly a first time. Katsumi started to walk towards you and in your whole life, you had never felt so scared and vulnerable. The red haired boy enjoyed watching your expressions. It made him feel pleasure~

He loved how your (e/c) eyes watered at the sight of him. How your whole body was shaking. He loved every second of it. This man, this sick man, was a sadist. Katsumi grabbed a chair, that you didn't know that was there, and set it in front of you. He sat there then cleared his throat. "As promised, we will talk. Unless you wanna do something else, sweetheart~"

You gulped and ferociously shook your head. "Yeah, I thought so." He chuckled. For a moment, everything was silent. It wasn't a comfortable silent, if anything, it was far from it. Slowly, you opened your mouth.

"Why..why did you do this?" You weakly asked. You were afraid and you tried to hide it, but your voice betrayed you.

"Finally, you asked a question! Good job, princess~" He smiled.

"Anyways, you know that your father is rich, right? Pftt, of course you know, my princess is not some idiot." You shuddered at his gaze. 'My princess?' You were disgusted, but a part of you..liked it.

"Well, that's exactly the reason why! Money! Your father has lots of it, so we decided to take you as hostage. It's not really that complicated. But..you know what's interesting?" You stared at the red haired boy and waited for him to continue.

"ASK ME WHY YOU FUCKING WHORE!" He shouted and stood from his seat. Out of fear, you stayed silent. Katsumi was angry, oh darling, he was fuming with anger. With his emotions out of control, he slapped you hard then kicked your chair to the ground.

"Little spoiled bitches don't know how to answer their master properly." He spat at you.

"Whatever. No one will care for you anyways. Not even that boy toy of yours. That bastard works here you know? As an assassin." He sneered at your form in disgust then started to walk to the door.

"Assassin?" You whispered under your breath. Katsumi heard this and turned his head to look at you. It was no secret that he was now annoyed. He let rolled his eyes then spoke,

"Does yours truly have to spell it out for you, princess? An assassin. They kill people. And that Yoru asshole is the number one here."

"Hoshizora Yoru? We must be talking about a different one." You said, no, pleaded him to agree with you.

"Heh, you don't even know his real name? Daku's his last name. He probably lied to you about a bunch of other things too. Well, that ain't my problem. See you later, princess. It was fun while it lasted." He shrugged.

Katsumi closed the door and left you to your own thoughts.

- - -

Yoru slammed the trunk of the car with his bloody fingers. It was surprising how easy it was to hide Sebastian's body.

'That damn butler was stronger than I thought. He was like a fucking demon. Tsk, he was troublesome.' Yoru complained in his head.

When the two had fought, they were on par with each other. At least, Sebastian thought so. Yoru had a hidden trick, he always had one. Unfortunately for Sebastian, he fell right for it and the consequence was his death. Yoru had won by using the knife which he had hidden in his sleeve earlier. After getting rid of the blood on his face and hands, Yoru drove away from the huge mansion and to his masked father, Daku Tezuna.

- - -

The blue eyed boy hastily went out of the stole-borrowed car and inside the assassin headquarters. The single security had tried to stop the heir, but quickly fell to the ground after having their neck sliced. After a few more fighting and him winning, he had arrived in his father's office. With force, he slammed the door open and there, he saw his father standing in the middle of the room.

"Where is she?" Yoru shouted in anger as he let out his killing intent.

"Your emotions had gotten in the way of your mission. We simply got rid of the root of it..after all, having emotions as an assassin is simply ridiculous." Tezuna said, his mask covering his expression. At his words, Yoru charged at his only blood related family.

- - -

Yooo , I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter~ Btw! Tezuna is Yoru's father. I mentioned his name in Yoru's introductory chapter.

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