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"Excuse me, Yoru. What exactly are you doing?" The blond boy gritted his teeth and forced a smile as he turned to face the head butler, Sebastian.

"Ah, it seems that you caught me?" He raised his tone, as if he was guilty of his action. "Of course, I would. After all, I am one hell of a butler." Sebastian chuckled. Yoru relaxed his form and faced the ruby eyed butler. Although he looked calm, inside he was furious. How did Sebastian sneak up on him, an assassin? How could a damn butler mask his presence?

"Now, would you explain why you are planning run off with one of our lord's cars?" Sebastian said while his gloved hands gestured to the black Lykan Hypersport behind Yoru. The head butler glared at him, yet kept a gentle smile on his face. The two men stared at one another and tried to figure out each other's intention. Both of them were highly alert, yet neither made a move. After what seemed like an eternity, Yoru broke his gaze and sighed.

"I still need to pick up (Y/n) from one of her friend's house. I figured it'd be fine as long as I use it for my duty." Yoru slowly explained while he scanned Sebastian's face. To Yoru's dismay, the gentle smile left Sebastian's face. "Mind how you speak. I'm sure that my lord would not tolerate liars and the way you say Miss (Y/n)'s name."

'Shit.' Yoru cursed. He had slipped up.

"Ah, I'm sorry for my manners. It seems that I have gotten too comfortable with her." Yoru smiled and secretly clenched his fist behind his back. Sebastian took notice of this and started to walk toward him. Out of instinct, Yoru straightened his form and got ready to defend himself.

"It seems that I have to teach you manners. What kind of a butler would I be if I do not?" And so, the fight started.

- - -

   Sick. One word to describe how you felt at this moment. Physically, you are sick. Mentally, you feel sick and you were so sick of seeing the same dark room and hearing the same horrible voice for hours? For what? A day?? You wondered if anyone was going to find you, save you, but of course you doubted that. After all, this wasn't the first time.. You heard the door open along with light footsteps. Your hair shielded your eyes from the blinding light that seeped through the door.

"You look tired."The person chuckled. He immediately closed and locked the door before he walked toward you. A hand swept back the hair which covered your face and began to put it up in a messy ponytail. You could feel his warmth and heard every single breath of his. He was close to you. Too close. "That's better. Now I can see your beautiful face."

'See my face? He can see in the dark?' Your eyebrows creased, but you quickly masked your emotion before he could see. He finally gave you enough space to breathe then walked away. You had to be careful of your actions, it wasn't look ago that he tried to make a move on you....

"It seems that you've recovered from most of the injections I've given you. Maybe it's time we talk, hmm?" Time to talk? If your throat weren't so sore you would've let out a little chuckle. As if he read your mind, you felt the tip of a plastic bottle near your lips. He tilted it and let you drink the cold water. It didn't even take you a minute in order to devour all sixteen ounces of it. When you had finished, he threw the bottle at a corner and walked nearby the door. He flipped a switched and the light turned on.

It took you a few moments to get used to the blinding light. After all, you have been in darkness for a long time now. When your sight cleared, you looked at the floor then slowly tilted your head upwards. And there he was, the voice. He stood confidently with his posture completely straight.

"Now, lets talk shall we?"

Obsession ☭ Yandere Assassin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now