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To your surprise, Yoru had left you alone to wander the house. He probably trusted you enough since you haven't caused any trouble yet. You decided to walk around the old house and try to memorize each room. Every door was locked except for the bathroom and the bedroom that you were previously in. The windows were either boarded up or locked. You could escape by breaking a window, but you were sure Yoru would hear you. And judging by the gigantic trees, you were probably in a forest. You would just get lost.

You decided to go back to the first floor and sat on the old couch. Oh, the front door looked so damn tempting. You could try to escape now, but it was too risky. 'He's an assassin, surely he's not dumb. He must have set up something or he's trying to test me.'

You thought things over then let out a sigh. Once again, you decided to explore the house starting from the first floor. You passed all the doors that you saw before then you stopped. You were in front of the hallways dead end, but your instinct told you something was there. Subconsciously, you felt the wall and you didn't know why but it felt..weird? In order to confirm your suspicions, you formed a fist and lightly knocked on the surface. Unfortunately, this led to nothing. The wall sounded like a wall, but for some odd reason, you weren't satisfied. You kept knocking on the wall then slowly moved downwards. You kneeled down then stopped knocking at the bottom part. The sound it produced sounded hollow, almost as if it was wood. There was a hidden door.

You hoped it led to somewhere. You quickly looked behind you to see if Yoru had been watching you and to your relief he was not. You sat on the floor and tried to find a handle, but there was none.

   'Think (Y/n), think.'

After a few minutes of brainstorming, a thought crossed your mind. Maybe it was a touch latch type of door? You applied enough pressure and the small door opened towards you. The opening was small, but big enough for you to fit in. Your heartbeat increased at the thought of escaping. The only thing that you needed now was a flashlight or anything that was a light source. You flinched when you suddenly heard Yoru call out your name. You quickly closed the small door and hurried to him. Now that you knew about this, you had to think of a plan, so that he wouldn't suspect you.

Once you got to the dusty living room, Yoru greeted you with a small smile. In his hands were grocery bags. We must be close to a community then..

"Ah, (Y/n)! You didn't escape." He said with a cheerful tone. Yoru had set traps all throughout the vicinity of the house to prevent you from escaping, but of course he wouldn't let you know that. Yoru set down the bags of grocery onto the kitchen counter then gently grabbed your wrist. He led you upstairs then unlocked a room. You took a deep breathe and inhaled the sweet scent of roses. The room was indeed beautiful. It didn't look like the rest of a house, in fact it seemed as if it came out of a magazine. Despite the fact that the windows were barricaded, everything else was fantastic.

When you sat down on the king-sized bed, you saw some candles on the nightstand. Maybe you could use them as a light source for the hidden door you found! While you were busy thinking of an escape plan, Yoru locked the door before he walked towards you. You hadn't noticed him until you felt the bed weigh down beside you. You tried to hide your flinch, but Yoru's eyesight was as clear as day. A silence engulfed the two of you, the sound of the air conditioning being the only one you could hear. You thought of the events that occurred this morning and something bothered you. He noticed this and reassured you.

"(Y/n), you can ask me anything and I promise I won't get mad." You sweat dropped. Could he have read your mind? You shook off the thought and decided to speak.

"Yoru...what happened?" A sigh left his mouth before he answered.

"I'm sorry. I..lost control earlier and took advantage of you. I promise I'll make up for it."

How could he say that? This man, this disgusting man took advantage of you! No wonder your body ached when you woke up. But you can't act up now because if you do, you're a hundred percent sure your blood would stain the carpet. You pushed back the tears that threatened to leave your eyes then gulped. "I-it's okay. I understand that..you went through a hard time." You said with a shaky voice while pretending to feel sorry for him. In reality, you wanted to leave this house and report him to the police.

A smile appeared on Yoru's face and his shoulders relaxed. He grabbed your hand and held it tightly. "I'm glad you understand."

For a second, you almost slapped his hand away, but you quickly restrained yourself. You had to be strong and endure this. After what seemed like eternity, Yoru let go of your hand and tore his 'loving' gaze from you. He stood up and grabbed the drink which sat on the nightstand. Yoru offered it to you and said something in the lines of you being thirsty, before turning his back and leaving the room. You didn't think much of his actions and took a gulp of the drink. After a long time of waiting, there was still no sign of him. This was your chance.

You took a lit candle then reached for the door knob with your occupied hand. Shit. It was locked. You groaned, returned the candle to its original place then sat back on the bed. Suddenly, you felt so hot. It was as if your body was burning up. You laid on the bed as your vision started to spin. The door opened and Yoru came in the room. He caressed your cheek with his finger then whispered,

"Don't worry, I told you I'd make it up for you. I'll treat you like the absolute princess that you are~"

Obsession ☭ Yandere Assassin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now