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  Blood splashed everywhere to the point that it reached the ceiling. The victim let out a muffled scream. The poor boy's mouth was shoved with cloth that silenced him. Tears dropped down to his cheeks as he got hit to death. After a few more minutes and several hits, the man was dead. Yoru wiped away the blood from his face using his sleeves then stared at the decapitated man.

"How dare you stare at her. (Y/n) is mine. Don't forget that." He spat out. Kaname Hinato, the boy that always stared at you in class and admired from afar was now officially dead. After putting on a black hoodie, Yoru dumped the body into a nearby lake and burned the evidence along with the deceased boys' apartment down. He changed his clothes then proceeded to go back to the (L/n) estate.

- - -

  Curiosity slowly ate you up as you heard the familiar sound of the shower running. You wondered who would be taking a shower at three am in one of the guest rooms. You tried to recall if there were any guests at the moment, but that seldom happened. After a minutes of contemplating, you finally walked towards the room where the shower was heard.

  You reached out to turn the knob, but before you could, it opened. A blush covered your cheeks as you made eye contact with blue orbs. Unintentionally, you stared down and saw that he only had a towel around his waist. This view made you blush even more. Yoru noticed this and smirked.

"I didn't know you were a pervert." A chuckle escaped his mouth when you tried to justify yourself in a flustered manner. He rolled his ocean eyes then smirked.

"I'll just leave now..."You avoided eye contact then quickly closed the door. You stumbled to your room then practically threw yourself on the huge bed. Finally at your safe haven, you screamed into your pillow. Memories of the recent event started to flood your head. You cringed at the thoughts.

  From that day on, you promised yourself to not let curiosity get the best of you.

- - -

  The sun rose and seeped into the small spaces of the curtains. You let out a groan then covered your eyes with the soft comforter. A knock sounded throughout the room followed with a greet of 'good morning'. All of a sudden, you felt the all familiar sensation of your period. Your threw the comforter aside and rushed to the bathroom.

"Miss (Y/n)?" Sebastian opened the door and scanned the room. His eyes stopped on the bed where there was a huge red stain. He almost panicked, but then he remembered your 'monthly subscription to the devil's waterfall' aka your period. Sebastian closed the door and decided to come back later.

  Meanwhile, you were in your bathroom trying to find a sanitary napkin. After all, you do not want to shove tissues in your underwear again. You shuddered at the horrible thought. You looked through the wardrobe in your bedroom and hoped that there were some left. Finally, you found one and raised it into the air like you had just discovered an ancient treasure. After all that fuss, you did your morning routine then went to the dining room.

"Ah, good morning. How was your sleep?" Sebastian asked with a closed eye smile. Memories flooded your head then you realized,

You had to face Yoru.

  A blush painted your face which caused Sebastian raise his eyebrow. Before he could say anything, your father called you. You walked to the dining room and saw your father eating breakfast. Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion. Your father would never be first to eat breakfast, you always had to wait. He motioned you to sit across him and at this action, you knew you were trouble.

"My dear (y/n), how was your morning? Anything new?" He asked. You looked at your dad and tried to get used to his serious face. Usually, he'd joked around and call you his baby girl, so seeing him like this made you feel uncomfortable.

"Uhmm, I'm okay." You quietly answered. He let out a sigh then made eye contact with you.

"I know you are growing up, but please try to keep your bed sheets clean. Sebastian informed me about it this morning and I just wanted to say to be more careful."

  Your pupils narrowed and seemed to flee from the expanding whites of your eyes. You could not believe what your father had just said. You wanted to drop off the face of Earth. Before you could utter a word, Yoru appeared and told your dad that you had to go.

  All thoughts disappeared as you saw Yoru. How on earth were you supposed to face him?

- - -

Writing this chapter was very awkward for me. I had to get help from my friend..rip

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