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In confusion, you opened your eyes and found that you landed in a sewer. You looked up and saw the hole you fell down from. You grimaced as you felt your bum ache. I mean, it wasn't that big of a drop, but it still hurt. Damn gravity. You stood up and brushed off the dirt that covered your body. You took a deep breath-

Awe shit. You shouldn't have done that...

The disgusting smell of the sewers filled your nostrils. Immediately you brought a hand up and covered your nose. The smell was absolutely disgusting. To be more specific, it smelled like a thousand rotten eggs. You quickly ran to the direction of the light, you were desperate to get out of this place. Near the end, you saw bars that had spaces wider enough for you to exit. Without any hesitation, you squeezed yourself between them then ran a good distance away from the sewer. When the smell of rotten eggs finally dissapeared, you let out a sigh of relief. All that running made you tired and it didn't help that you were barefoot. You felt a stinging sensation on both feet, so you decided to rest against a tree.

You felt your eyes get heavier and heavier and eventually, you fell asleep.

- - -

"Good afternoon, sir. What can I help you with?" The salesperson twirled a piece of hair between her fingers. She adjusted her shirt to show more of her cleavage and smiled at him. Yoru mentally rolled his eyes at the woman's attempt to flirt.

"I'm here to buy some clothes for my girlfriend." He bluntly said. Yoru thought that she would stop, but to his dismay, she didn't. "Oh, I can help you with that! Maybe we can check out the storage room?" The lady said in a flirtatious tone. Oh, Yoru wanted to kill her on the spot. He would never ever cheat on you. Why would he when you're the most perfect for him? The salesperson smiled with glee then grabbed Yoru's wrist and led him to the storage room.

The storage room was cluttered with different types of clothes on metal shelves. Not only was it small, but the room temperature was very hot. Yoru let out a tsk as he saw the woman taking off her shirt. 'I think I really hit jackpot today! Oh, I bet he's gonna be a good fu-' Before she could even finish her thoughts, Yoru snapped her neck with precision. Immediately her lifeless body fell on the cement floor.

"I have to get rid of her body now. How troublesome." He let out a sigh.

- - -

When Yoru had arrived back 'home' the sun had already set and crickets had started to croak. His foul mood instantly disappeared when he saw the light pouring through the thin white curtains. The blond haired boy went out of his car then into the house. "(Y/n) dear, tadaima!"

Yoru's smile faded as he was met with silence. 'Hn, is she still mad at me? I thought saying sorry would fix it..I guess not.' A sigh escaped his mouth before he decided to look for you.

After countless rounds throughout the house, Yoru started to feel restless and panicked. He couldn't find you anywhere. He felt as if he lost his mind, but he refused to Yoru went back to the first floor and into the dark hallway. Slowly, he walked towards the white blank wall then kneeled down. The blue eyed ex assassin snickered when he finally figured out where you disappeared to. "Did she really fall for my trap? What a foolish little princess." He whispered to himself.

Although Yoru was sure you were now in the torture chamber, he wanted to personally see your panicked face to calm down his nerves. He went into the small pathway then crawled forward. After what seemed like forever, Yoru stopped. In front of him was the hole you fell out of. Yoru clenched his fist then punched the ground beneath him. You had escaped.

Obsession ☭ Yandere Assassin x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant