Chapter 7

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No one's pov
John wakes up and groans as he hears footsteps coming towards him,"I'll say this John,they sure as fuck broke the mold with you."Viggo said as John looked up to see his face.some of Viggo's men are standing in front of him,John noticed he was handcuffed.even if he was handcuffed he could still kill everyone in this room with his bare hands,Viggo chuckles as he grabs a chair and sets it in front of John.Viggo then turned to Krill and said,"bring out guest here."Krill nodded and walked off.John watches him leave as Viggo sits on the chair in front of him,"you've always had a certain...audacity about you,you know."Viggo said.he chuckles,"right?oh,yeah.I can say you're still very much the John Wick of old."he said.

"Am I?"John asked him,"people don't change,you know that.times,they do."Viggo he said that Krill brought in Thalia,who was tied up."PAPA!"she cried out,John saw a little mark on her neck.anger boiled within him,"what did you do to her?"John asked angrily."your little girl is surprisingly smart John,you know she actually escaped from the room I put her in?we still caught her though,she didn't seem smart enough to find a good hiding spot."Viggo said,rage was now boiling within John.Thalia was very worried about her father,the stories she was told of her dad didn't worry her.but looking at him now,he seemed very injured.

"Do you know what was in that Vault John?artwork,cash,not without its worth but the leverage I had on this city:audio recordings,physical evidence,blackmail,IT WAS FUCKING PRICELESS!PRICELESS!"Viggo yelled at John,"Yeah,I kinda enjoyed that."John said.Viggo laughs,"yeah,I know you did."John glares at him."Yeah.are you really laughing?"Viggo asked him,he then punched John across the face."NO LEAVE HIM ALONE!"Thalia cried out as she tried to get up,two guards held her down.Viggo grabs John's head and pulls him up to sit straight again,he walks over to Avi and wipes his hands clean.he turn to face John again,"So...then you got married huh?had this little one?"Viggo said.

He placed his hand on Thalia's shoulder,she flinched."how did you manage that anyway?how did you keep your whole life a secret from her?"Viggo asked,Thalia looked at her dad.John wanted to tell Thalia went she was teen so she could train her,but now that plan is ruined."Luck I guess."John replied,"Yeah,Yeah,while you have your daughter I have my son.and believe me,you had a far better deal."Viggo said.he walks up to John' side,"and then you left,for your wife and daughter.and the way you got out,lying to yourself that the past held no sway over the future.but in the end,a lot of us are rewarded for our misdeeds.which is why got took your wife and unleashed you on me."he said.

"We're cursed,you and I."Viggo said,"on that,I can agree on."John finally spoke."finally,common ground,ok."Viggo said,sounding relived."Step aside,give me my daughter back and give me your son."John growled,threateningly.Viggo stares at him,"John Wick."he whispers.he chuckles,"the boogeyman,I understand about your daughter was just a fucking car!just a fucking dog!"Viggo exclaims.Thalia looks at Viggo,then she looks at her dad."just a dog..."John whispers as Viggo grabs his coat,"Viggo?"John said as Viggo put on his coat."Yeah."Viggo said,"when Helen died,Thalia and I lost everything.i tried everything in my power to lift up her spirits,until that dog arrived on our doorstep.a final gift from her mother."

"In that moment,I received some semblance of opportunity to see the light in my daughter's eyes,her happiness was the most important thing to me."Thalia smiled,"Papa..."she whispered."and your son....took that from me!"John growled,"oh god."Viggo muttered.John raised his head to look at Viggo,Thalia could see the anger in her dad's was something that she's never seen before,"Stole that from me!took my child from me!killed that from me!people keep asking me if I'm back,and I haven't really had an answer.but yeah,I'm thinking I'm back!so you can either give me back my daughter and hand over your son,"he starts to stand up.

Krill and another man grab John while another guy grabs Thalia,"Or you can die screaming beside him!"John yelled at Viggo.he was pushed towards his the chair,"NO LEAVE HIM ALONE!"Thalia yelled as Krill and the other guy put a bag over John's head."PAPA!PAPA FIGHT BACK!"she yelled as they carried her away,she was put in the same car as Viggo.

Thalia's pov
"Trust me little one,this is for the best."Viggo said to me,I looked at him."you're a meanie!"i said in Russian,as I did the car swerved and crashed into another car.i saw daddy!he ran over to the car and jumped onto the hood,Viggo grabbed me by my bruised wrist and dragged me out of the car."cool it,cool it,cool it."Viggo said,lifting me up a bit."Let her go."papa growled,firing a bullet at Viggo's left."Shit!"he jumps a bit,"ok!ok!i will!"he said.he let me go,I ran towards papa and hid behind him.i held onto his leg tightly,"Where is your son?"daddy asked him.he aimed his gun at Viggo,"Shit!"he yells."I have your word that if I tell you where he is,you'll let me walk away?"Viggo asked,i looked at papa.

"Pull the contract."Papa ordered him,Viggo looks at his car.he then looks at daddy,"Done."he said to daddy.we jump down in front of him,papa still aimed his gun at him."He's kept in a safe house:Brooklyn,434 Wallace Place.they know you're coming."he said to papa,"of course it won't matter."papa said.he lowered his gun,gently grabbed my hand,and walked off.the minute Viggo was out of our sights papa look me behind a building,he kneeled down to my level."Sweetheart I'm so-"I cut him off by crying and hugging him,"i was so scared!"I sobbed as he hugged me back."I know,I know.I'm so sorry honey,I was going to tell you when you were older."he said,I sniffed.

He wiped my tears,"you have to kill that boy now,don't you?"i asked.he looked away,"Yeah."he replied."he killed Daisy,and took your car,is it mean if I say he deserves to die?"I asked,he hesitated."No,not at all."he said,he hugged me again."Promise me you won't leave me?"I asked him,he looked at me."I promise pumpkin."he said,wiping my tears.

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