Chapter 18

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Thalia's pov
As church bells toll:dad and i(who was carrying a bag of weapons)walked down the deserted streets and to a locked pulls out the keys he was given and unlocks the gate,I followed dad into the catacombs.i watched him open his big bag and placing guns in certain parts of the cave,"here's the plan:you will blend in with the crowd,we you see me:we leave."dad said to me.i nodded,once we made our way out of the catacombs we came out and see this party going on."blend in,that shouldn't be too hard."i said,itching the back of my neck.

after a couple of hours we saw my dad leaving a building,we walked towards him." it done?"I asked him,he looked at me.that look clearly said,"yeah,it's done."we can finally go home.i know I shouldn't feel happy about this but now we can finally live normal lives!"John."someone said dad's name,we turned around and saw a tall African American in a nice suit."Cassian."dad said to the guy,"ok so he clearly knows this guy."I thought."you working?"he asked dad,"yeah,you?"dad replied.he looked at me," partners now?"he asked.

"This is my daughter Thalia"dad introduced me to him,Cassian nodded."Good night?"Cassian asked dad,"I got a bad feeling about this..."I thought.I slowly reached for my gun,anticipating what would happen.then at the same time,dad and Cassian both pulled out their guns and fired at each other,making them fall back.I immediately helped dad up and we ran off.

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