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" My god that was intense." I said sitting under the stores awning, hiding from the beaming sun.

" What was so intense about it ? You weren't the one peddling for half an hour in the sun !?" Tanner said through stuttering breaths, kicking the bike stand out before collapsing next to me.

" Yeah but the sun !"

" Again, YOU were not doing anything but sitting there, I literally don't even feel high anymore the way my energy just got drained. Look at me ! I'm soaked in sweat !"

"Ehhh you'll be fine ! We probably both have that outside smell though." I said trying to take a wiff of the inside of my shirt.

" Ehhh speak for yourself I smell like apple pies and sunshine." He said putting both his hands in the air.

I laughed while picking myself up from the floor and taking a lock out of my pocket.
" You sure you aren't high ?"

" Ya know....it's coming in waves so probably." He said extending his hand, beckoning me to pull him up.

I slapped his hand instead, giving him a high five leaving him to pick himself up while I locked the bike to a nearby stand.

" Oh right your stomach...you're not strong enough to-

" I AM STRONG ! Just in a little pain right now that's all !" I said quickly defending myself.
" What did we come here for again ?"

" I think umm, cookies you said right ? Or cookie dough ?"

I tried to probe my brain for the answer as we walked away from the bike and wagon into the store. The cool chill from the ac instantly made me fold my arms.

" Hmm, yeah let's go with that. Quick in and out cause I don't want to walk around too much."

" You want me to put you in a shopping kart and wheel you around ?"

" I'm in pain from surgery I'm not 6."

" From all the way down there I could of mistaken you for a toddler."

" ...you are only... FOUR INCHES TALLER THAN ME !" I shouted drawing some attention by accident.

We both looked around at the people that looked away at us and we laughed. It was awkward for a moment to have all eyes on us like that but this feeling felt really good.

From enemies to genuine friends it felt really-

Before I could finish the thought Tanner squeezed my arm.

" What the fuck is wrong with you !?" I said wincing while pulling it away.

We were near the corner of the baking aisle when he froze.

" What is it !?" I said trying to peek my head around before he stopped me.

" It's her..."

" Who's her !?"

" My...my mom."

His skin flushed pale and he looked ghastly. The bright lights of the store seemed to make him look transparent as he stood there completely still.

He started breathing harshly.
" Hassan I don't feel good, c-can we leave ?"

He turned to me but his eye's were locked over my head towards the exit.

I took his hand.
" Hey everything's gunna-

He pulled it away with such force and stared at me with hell in his eyes that I froze now.

Just then a voice called out from behind him.
" Oh sorry I didn't see you there !"

A woman my height was standing behind Tanner. Her dark brown hair was curly and draped over her shoulders. Her eyes matched her hair but glistened in the stores light and her pink lips curved into a warm inviting smile.

Tanner turned towards her and her expression changed. The warm smile went into a gasp which her manicured hands covered quickly.

Her eyes seemed to instantly water as she took a step back.

" Glenda what's wrong ?" Another woman of Asian descent came from the aisle and put her hand on her before looking at Tanner.

" Oh my.." she said under her breath.

Both Tanner and the first woman stood in a silent battle.

" My baby boy..."

She reached her hand out to him gently.

Before it could connect with his face, he flinched backwards almost tripping over me before running out the store.

" Tanner, Wait !" I called after him, I tried to turn fast but a pain in my side kept me in place.

I heard the sound of weeping coming from behind me and the woman was crying.

" You must be the infamous mother I've heard about." I said with grit from the pain still laced on my voice.

" Infamous !? Have some respect young man !" The other lady said to me.

" I'm above arguing with adults, it's not like you guys listen to rationality anyway. But if you're who I think you are you must be Emily."

I learned both Tanner's mom and her apparent wife's name from some Facebook snoops thanks to Bee.

" Surely you know what she's done, am I wrong to say that ?" I felt so angry...days before this I wanted to have Tanner's head but now I'm confronting the reason for his trauma in the flesh.

" What do you know you-

" He's right Emily." The other woman said through sniffles.
" I'm Glenda, Tanner's mom, anything anyone's said about me in this awful town are probably right so if you hate me by association then that's okay."

I squinted my eyes at her skeptically as she wiped tears from her own. 

" I made a choice, a horrible one that cost me. I left my child here for years under a unstable man. I was scared if I left him with nothing he would track me down and kill us. I had to leave Tanner behind to save us both."

I couldn't speak, every word forming on my tongue was swallowed down into my chest and turned into pain.

I was getting emotional and I couldn't understand why.

" You don't have to explain yourself to this kid Glenda." Emily said rubbing her back.

" maybe not him but I owe one to my son, that is what I came back her to do after all." she said while reaching into her small faded black leather pocketbook.

She pulled out a pen and small receipt paper and wrote something down on it before handing it to me still trying to gather her composure.
" Here's my number, I don't know who you are to my baby and I don't know what he's told you about me but I'm begging you to give this to him, please."

Her voice cracked while she said please and she stared directly into my eyes.

I could see through her pupils her heart breaking over and over again with each beat and I took the paper.

I turned and looked at them one last time before walking as fast as I could out the grocery store.

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