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I was breathless as his arm pulled me closer to his shirtless body.

When we got outside Bee and Michelle were splashing each other in the pool and a man near the grill turned to me smiling.

" Uncle Derek this is Hassan, Hassan my Uncle Derek."

I held out my hand to shake but was pulled in for a tight embrace and pat on the back.
" Heya kiddo, if you need anything just call me alright ? Hot dogs will be ready in twenty more minutes."

He went back to a lounge chair near the grill and put on some shades relaxing.

" Your family's really nice." I yawned peering at the water.

" Are you sure you're good ?" Laurence asked rubbing my back.
" What was that dream about ?"

" I'll tell you about it later..." I said shrugging him off me.

" Hey there's actually something I wanted to talk to you about later if that's fine with you ?" He asked going into the pool splashing water into the air.

" Yeah of course."

He looked at me confused.

" Yes ?"

" Where's your swim shorts ?" He asked.

" I don't have any, I can't swim." I said sitting at the edge of the pool dipping my legs in the warm water.

" How tall are you again ?"

" Like five ten, why ?" I asked.

" Well I've seen you stand and this part of the pool is four feet so-

He took me by my shirt and pulled me into the water. I went under and started thrashing before he helped me to my feet.

" MY PHONE IS IN MY POCKET !" I yelled taking it out checking if it was still working.

"Oh thank god." I said putting it farther from the edge of the pool.

Laughing filled my ears as I was still trying to clear my eyes of chlorine.

Bee, Michelle and Laurence were laughing at me while I pouted standing in the water.
" So you guys think this is funny !?"

I hit the water splashing them as they did it back to me before turning on each other.

It turned into a huge splash fight as we laughed and battled under the sun.

An hour past when Bee and Michelle got out the pool to go eat leaving me and Laurence by ourselves.

" Should we get out now ?" I asked shaking the water out my ear.

" No, you think I haven't noticed you stayed at the shallow end this whole time ?" He said getting closer to me.

" Well yeah, I can't swim." I said looking up at him.

" And this whole time you didn't ask me to teach you ? I literally swam to the deep end just hoping you were gunna ask me !"

" It didn't cross my mind, I was having fun in my safe zone." I said glaring at him.

He stayed silent before he grabbed my arm starting to walk to the other side of the pool.

" Laurence what're you doing ?"

" Gunna teach you how to swim."

" Umm !? Shouldn't we do that in the shallow part then !?" I said panicking as the water got higher.

" Nonsense, you're a quick learner plus it'll be quicker if you feel your life is on the line." He laughed.

He stopped midway through the pool as the water came up to my neck.

" Okay now just move your arms in a circular motion like me. After that then start to kick your feet in the water when you go deeper, kinda like a doggy paddle."

I rolled my eyes going deeper into the water following his instructions.

I admit I was terrified but I didn't want him to see me chickening out.

" Hey I'm doing it !" I said trying to keep my head above the water.

" That's great ! Now try to turn backwards and paddle towards me." He called.

I tried to turn my body but a pain shot into my stomach making me thrash as water started to get into my mouth.

I tried to scream for help but my head kept dropping under the water along with my body.

I felt sheer terror as the water started to consume me.

I was just about to give up when something pushed me to the surface allowing me to gasp for air.

Laurence was underwater carrying me to the edge where I grappled on and crawled on land holding my stomach.

He emerged shaking his wet hair side to side clearing his eyes and smiling.

" You ate food before going in the pool didn't you ?"

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