Chapter 53

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Hello humans!! Don't have much to say besides a warning so..

Warning: Slightly bloody scene in this chapter!

Blue's POV
"Bye Dusty! Text you when I get home!!" I waved at my new boyfriend seeing him smile and walk away "bye Blue bird!" I began my trip to my house with a huge smile. A few minutes later I walked inside my house not bothered that the door was unlocked "Stretch I'm home!" Still not 100% forgiving my brother I walked to my room and flopped down onto my bed.

We should tell fresh and lust the good news don't you think?

Huh? Oh yeah I almost forgot about them! I took my phone out of my pocket and began to text fresh.

Bluemuffin102: Hey fresh guess what?

Freshbro: Heyo my radical Friend! What'z up?

Bluemuffin102: Dust accepted my Confession!!!

Freshbro: Really? Brah that's awesome! Congrats on that my dude!

Bluemuffin102: Hehe thanks!! I wanted to thank you for helping me for so long

Freshbro: dats alright my friend! I'm just happy that da ship sailed!

Bluemuffin102: What?

Freshbro: Uhh gotta go! Catcha in the flip side!

Bluemuffin102: Oki doki? Bye fresh!

I giggled a little at how silly fresh could be sometimes but, I couldn't help and wonder what he meant by "ship sailed" oh well!

Bluemuffin102: Hello Lust!

Flirtybae030: Hey Berry! How are you?

Bluemuffin102: Im awesome! How about you?

Flirtybae030: I'm great! So what's up?



Bluemuffin102: Thanks! I really have to thank you though...

Flirtybae030: for what boo?

Bluemuffin102: With horror remember?

Flirtybae030: Oh right! Well I have to thank YOU for helping ME with horror so I guess we're even now?

Bluemuffin102: I guess so! I'm gonna do to sleep now Good night!

Flirtybae030: Alright, Night Berry!

With that I turned my phone off and changed into my pijamas. I should check on Dust real quick before I actually go to sleep. So I yet again grabbed my phone and texted him.

Bluemuffin102: Hi dusty!

Dustdocuments: Hey Blue

Bluemuffin102: just wanted to check on you and see how you were

Dustdocuments: We were just together like.. 10? 15? Minutes ago?

Bluemuffin102: I know I just wanted to make sure you were ok!

Dustdocuments: well in that case, I'm good I was about to go to sleep

Bluemuffin102: Oh! I was too! Uhh good night?

Dustdocuments: Night

Bluemuffin102: Love you! 😘

Dustdocuments: love you too 💜

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I put my phone on my night stand and put it to charge before rolling over and squealing into my pillow. He said he loved me back!! If my head wasn't doing somersaults before it was definitely doing them now. Alright I have to calm myself down so I can get some good sleep. And with that I drifted to the land of slumber.

He's mine and only mine~ (yandere blueberry x dust)(complete) Where stories live. Discover now