Chapter 2

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Here have another chapter also HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! also have that random video up there. ⬆️

Blues POV

All of us burst into the class room all yelling different things like "someone is dead!" "There's a killer on the lose" "swapfell died!" "Woah woah woah calm down one at a time please" the teacher said "blue why don't you tell her what happened" ink said "alright" I replied and began to explain "so I found a kitty behind the school and I wanted to show swap fell because I know she loves cats and I wanted her to hurry because I didn't want the kitty to not be there by the time We got there" I began "ok?" The teacher said motioning me to continue "so when we got there I was knocked out and when I began to wake up I saw someone put s-swap fells body into the wood chipper behind the school!" I  said as I began to cry again "oh you poor thing you must be traumatized do you wanna go home?" She asked me,of course I don't want to go home I need to protect sen- DUST! "No thank you I want to stay here I'm to scared to stay home alone because my brother is in college at the moment" I told the teacher. "Alright did anyone call the police?" She asked this time asking more to the group not me "I did miss they said they'll be here in about 10 or less minutes" Dream responded "alright why don't you guys stay here class is about to start" the teacher said alright's and ok's were heard from the group. A few minutes later the bell rang and everyone was coming in to take a seat "teacher and students we lost someone today and we want everybody to stay in home room for there safety the police will be coming to investigate there going to be questioning you what you were doing at the time and other stuff" the speaker next to the clock announced "well since we are staying in home room let's all vote on what to do for the day I'm going to print out some sheets and your going to check the activity's you want to do you can only pick two" the teacher said as she started to type on her computer

That's all for now

Bye readers!


Ok I'm serious bye! Have a great Mother's Day!

He's mine and only mine~ (yandere blueberry x dust)(complete) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora