Chapter 20

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Hey guys!! So school started today for me so I'll be writing a little less then usual so due to this I'll have to fix my schedule and see when I'll have the most free time and stuff so I can write so for now until I can get that figured out I'll be updating once or twice a week I'll also try to write longer chapters cause I know a lot of story's are not going to be updating as offend cause of school so I'll try to be that one author that writes long chapters just for you guys!! Also I really enjoy reading your guys comments they make my day and I'm happy when I make at least one person laugh so I think that's all I have to say now onto the chapter!!

Blue's POV

"Alright looks like we finished early today so I'll let you guys have free time with the last 15 minutes of class" I heard the teacher say but as soon as she said that the whole class exploded into conversations. I decided to introduce myself to the new girls so I walked in front on there desk and introduced myself "Hello there my name is Blueberry swap but you can call me blue!" "Oh Hi I think you already know my name but I'm Star it's a pleasure to meet you blue!" Star replied "yup like she said but I have a question" Frisky said "sure ask away!" I replied "is your name blueberry because you were Blue berry much?" She said doing finger guns "I guess?... Wait.. that was a pun.." I said slowly realizing that she made a pun "maybe maybe not" she said "alright since your new and all I'll let this one slide But can I see your schedules? I wanna see if we have any more classes together!" I Said happily "Sure!" Star replied and gave me her schedule "umm I have all my classes with Dust well besides this one" Frisky said. Wait.... She has all but this class with senpai?...She better not be to clingy to him or else she's going to have to go through me!!!
"Umm are your eyes supposed to do that?" Star asked snapping me out of my daze "huh? What do you mean?" I asked confused "your eyes there red" she said "oh sorry about that sometimes they do that" I said rubbing my neck and chuckling nervously "oh it's fine I was just wondering" Star Said "So Frisky since you said you have all your classes with Dust does that mean you know him?" I asked now looking at Frisky "well I guess you can say that but I'm his best friend! I just was in another school.. wait...Are you his friend?" She replied my question and asked her own "Yeah I've been friends with him since elementary" I said getting a little tired of standing for so long "That's strange he never mentioned you to me before... has he ever mentioned me?" She said looking at me confused "well not really but he has mentioned he had another friend but they were in another school so I'm guessing he was talking about you" I said answering her question "well how about all of us become friends?" Star asked breaking the awkward silence not literally though the whole class was literally yelling and stuff "Sure I Kind of was hoping we could that was why I came up and introduced myself!" I Said making my Star pupils become brighter "umm sure I guess?.." Frisky said unsure if she really wanted to become friends with us




"Oh looks like we have lunch now see you guys later!" I said and walked back to my seat to get my stuff. "I think I should kill Star first just so I can get her out of the way.. I'll have to ask fresh if he has any more information about her that I should know about" I thought. I got my stuff and started to walk to the cafeteria hopefully Frisky isn't there cause I don't think I'll be able to hold my jealousy in if she's there..

Ok so I hope that's long enough for you guys!

So today I don't have a drawing for you guys cause I'm still trying to finish one so instead I'll give you guys a picture of my doggo!!

So today I don't have a drawing for you guys cause I'm still trying to finish one so instead I'll give you guys a picture of my doggo!!

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He's so happy! 🐶

Bye humans! (Even if your not)

He's mine and only mine~ (yandere blueberry x dust)(complete) Where stories live. Discover now