Chapter 3

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Hello here another chapter sorry if it's short I have to go to sleep for school tomorrow

After the teacher printed the papers she pasted them out and we all started to fill them out KNOCK KNOCK everyone turned to the door as the teacher opened the door and let the police in "Hello officer here to question the students?" The teacher asked the police "yes ma'am" the police replied "alright go ahead" She said as she sat down and watched "I want all of you to say where you were during the time period of 7:30 to 8:45 in order of rows" the polices stated "I was taking a nap under the tree outside" classic said "I was with my friends" a girl said "me, Dream, fresh, dust, error, horror, killer, cross, ink, cross, swap fell, and blueberry were in a group before blueberry went to show swap fell a kitten she found behind the school" nightmare said "yes I am aware of what miss swap said was anyone behind the school" the police asked "no" some people said "nope" some other people said "alright then we will be looking for clues so stay in the classroom" the police said as he left the room. "Ok class so we're going to have some free time while I count the votes and if your going to be on your phone remember to keep the volume down" the teacher said "Yo brochacha..." "Yeah fresh?" "I have another person ya can have a radical time with!" Fresh said in a whisper "WHO?" I asked I've been meaning to try something new "yeah I'll send you all the info later" he said without his fresh lingo "wHAt aRe yOu Two tALkINg abOUT?" Error asked "nothingggggggggg" I responded "let's play something I'm bored" nightmare said "OH OH HOW ABOUT TRUTH OR DARE!?" Dream said happily "NO!" Everyone said "awww ok..." Dream said "I have a Luigi board" horror said "......" all of us were silent and fresh's glasses said 'Not cool' "Yo I heard Luigi board I want in" I heard reaper say as he teleported into the classroom "I want in too!" I heard geno say as he teleported in the room too "YEAH WERE GOING TO TALK TO SOME GHOST!" Horror yelled "shhhhh!" Everyone shushed " hehe sorry" horror said "can I try first?" I asked "sure thing" horror responded I sat criss cross apple sauce on the floor.

Bye readers!!

He's mine and only mine~ (yandere blueberry x dust)(complete) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن