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Taehyung's POV


Red pouty lips

So so close to my face

That was the first thing that came to my mind the moment I opened my eyes.

Or more like tried to open them because the moment the blinding lights met the cornea of my eyes, I hissed at how bad my head hurt and closed my eyes immediately.

I patted to my right to feel my side table where I usually kept my phone every night and much to my dismay, I couldn't find anything.

"What the fuck?" I pressed my forehead because the pain was almost too much and somehow managed to sit and looked around to see that I was in my bedroom.

I slid the comforter off my body and that's when I realised that I was only in boxers which was weird because I never slept like that.

I would only wear my silk pajamas when I sleep.

I scratched the back of my neck to soothe my muscles as my eyes lazily scanned the room before they fell on a note.

What was a note doing on the side table?

I reached out to the note and squinted my eyes as I tried to read it when I noticed a pill with a water bottle on the side.

'Take this and take a shower.'

"Jimin," I mumbled looking at the pill and without thinking twice, I gulped it down with water. He obviously had more knowledge than me when it came to this stuff and I would do anything to get rid of this headache.

My body was feeling sticky, owing to the fact that I didn't wear any silk last night which was important for my skin hydration and I felt very shitty overall.

So, shower was definitely the first and the only thing I wanted to do right now.

The moment I stood up, I felt sharp pain in my lower body which made me sit back on my bed immediately.

What the absolute fuck?

What did I do last night? I closed my eyes and tried to think hard.

I felt someone pat my cheek and I slightly opened my eyes to see someone blurry.

He said something that I was too drunk to understand so I just nodded, closing my eyes and kept my head on his chest as I felt him wrap his arms around my waist.

"What the fuck?" I murmured shaking my head in denial as I stood up.

I needed a shower really really bad now.

I sighed and stood up, hissing a bit in pain and irritation and walked to the bathroom without taking any clothes.

I need to feel water on my body so bad.

As soon as the water came in contact with my skin, I sighed in relief.

Washing the exhaustion off my body, I closed my eyes feeling the coldness of the water calm my sore muscles.

This was nice.

I licked my lips as I clutched the jacket of the person who was hovering over me and pulled him closer to me. God, this person smelt so good and I wanted to hug him so bad right now.

I felt his hands on mine and I let out a whine as he tried to pull my hands away from his jacket while my eyes fell on his lips.

Pouty red lips.

He Likes It Sweet | TaeJin/ JinTaeWhere stories live. Discover now