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Longest chapter I've written up until now.



Taehyung's POV

Quite contrary to how Seokjin reacted, I was absolutely thrilled that he and I were in the same group for the project.

It wasn't because I liked him.

I didn't like Kim Seokjin.

At all, for that matter.

But I absolutely loved annoying him.

I found his reactions to be very amusing and I was completely satisfied with his reaction like the one when I showed him the groups for the project; his eyes were as wide as saucers and his jaw had dropped a bit while his ears turned red before he ran away.

There was something about those wide eyes, clenched jaw and pouty lips.

I mean, it wasn't exactly the one he gave to that fucking can of coffee but I was satisfied as long as long as it was a reaction.

I didn't like people ignoring my presence and he had been doing that for a long time.

That was his punishment for ignoring Kim Taehyung. So, I guess it's fair that I annoyed him and would continue to do so.

"If he couldn't blush for me, I'll make him yell at me," I murmured to myself as I walked out of my bathroom and stopped when I realised what I just said.

What the fuck?

I shook my head at how absolutely ridiculous I sounded.

I sounded somewhat desperate for his reaction which wasn't the case because Kim Taehyung never gets desperate for anything. 

Let alone for anyone.

"If anything, it should be the other way around," I said looking at my face in the mirror.

I looked so handsome, people could mistake me for a god.

Even my skin looked soft like Seokjin's.

I patted my face gently letting my skin absorb the serum before plopping myself down on the bed, holding up my phone to click a selca.

It just took me one attempt to get a picture, owing to my face, and I uploaded it on Instagram right away; my face didn't need any editing or filter.

Kookiejeon commented on your post.

I clicked on the notification pop up and immediately frowned when I saw his comment.

'You are handsome, hyung but not as handsome as my Jinnie hyung.'

"My Jinnie hyung?" I muttered as I read his comment again.

Since when did Jungkook start calling Seokjin 'His Jinnie hyung'?

Were they even that close?

I clicked on his profile to message him when his latest post that I hadn't noticed before caught my attention.

It was a photo of someone's back.

Not something different because Jungkook's Instagram was filled with such photos and he posted a lot of my photos that he clicked too but what caught my attention was the familiar denim jacket and then the caption.

'My hyung has broad shoulders. His face is handsome too but he's shy.'

"What the absolute fuck?" I stood up from my bed immediately.

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