2. Quiet Handsome Guy

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Jin's POV

Last night was the absolute worst. It was worse than the nights before exams. It was worse than the worst thing and just thinking about it made me want to scream in frustration. Not only did that stupid guy annoy me but he didn't even pay me for the chicken.

Well, technically, I was the one who showed him the finger, threw the empty box at him and walked away, ignoring all their calls but it was his crazy actions that made me run away in irritation so he was the one at fault.

And who in their sane mind starts to fight with a stranger for absolutely no reason?

I shake my head to clear my mind and focus on the problem in hand. I somehow have to arrange money so Aunt Kim wouldn't notice that I didn't bring any last night.

I was lucky enough to not get caught by her last night but I was sure, she'll ask me about the same when I go down which I eventually have to and if she gets to know that I let my anger did that, she'll lecture me again.

Bad thing, it is already two in the afternoon and I am pretty sure my aunt will come in any second to kick me out of the bed.

I feel my tummy rumble in hunger and I groan before throwing myself on the bed in irritation.

Fuck it.

There is no way I can think of something with an empty stomach. I'll just sneak into the kitchen and get myself something to eat and then come here again to think of an idea. It'll be easier to sneak in because it was two in the afternoon and everyone must be out to have their lunch.

I nod at the idea and push myself off the bed before rushing down the stairs. Looking around carefully, I am about to walk into the kitchen before my eyes catch something else and they widen in confusion.

Bunny guy?

"Hey," He gives me the same smile as I walk towards him before my eyes fall on the person standing behind him and they narrow immediately when I realize that it was the same guy from last night.

Wait, he looks even more familiar now.

Anyway, that's not of concern right now.

"What are you doing here?" I ask in harsh tone. There is no way I am being kind to such a man who literally harassed me for no reason.

He throws me a sour look before putting some money on the counter and then rolls his eyes as he crosses his arms.

"Namjoon hyung took Tae hyung's credit card and told him he won't give it back until hyung comes here and gives you the money," The bunny speaks after he sat on one of the high rise chairs near the counter.

Well, atleast now I didn't have to worry about arranging the money.

I hum and pick the money before looking over at the bunny guy as he starts speaking again.

"He also asked hyung to apologise for his behaviour," The bunny says amusedly looking at Taehyung who throws him a nasty glare.

"And I'm not doing that!" He says. "I didn't do anything wrong. It was my right as a customer."

"Yes, of course. Because accusing people on false pretexts is absolutely a right, isn't it?" I ask him with a tone which was dripping with sarcasm.

Though, I have to say, it is really surprising how unsurprised I am by the way he is acting.

Just one good look at him and you can tell that he is a brat whose parents are a little too rich for his own good.

I already know he is living in that fancy apartment and he looks almost the same age as mine so there was no way he could afford that with his own money. Also, his clothes screams luxury.

The way he is eyeing the restaurant didn't make it any better; it seems as if he wants to leave the restaurant and I wouldn't want it any other way.

"Ah, Taehyung!" The pink haired guy hit him on the shoulder before he walks over to me and takes another high rise chair beside Jungkook who is staring at me with his owl eyes again.

Something is really wrong with this kid.

"I'll apologize on his behalf," He says, keeping his elbows on the table with his hands supporting his chin as he gives me a smile.

Needless to say, he is handsome. Like really handsome in an elegant way.

"You really look familiar. I've seen you somewhere," He continues, pressing his lips as if he is trying to focus.

Didn't he say the same thing last night?

And even I think I've seen them before. Probably a magazine?

"Can we please go now?" The annoying guy says as he is now standing near the entrance and I like it that way.

"But I'm hungry and we're already here and it smells so good!" The bunny guy says. "It does, doesn't it, Jimin hyung?"

"It does smell good," Jimin agrees looking at Taehyung now.

Taehyung just rolls his eyes instead. "Let's go somewhere else then? Somewhere good?"

I look at him offended now.

What does he mean somewhere good? My aunt's restaurant is one of the best in the town!

"You should or you'll starve. We don't serve to assholes here," I retort.

He glares back at me but before he can say anything, Jimin interrupts and jumps from his chair.

"Ethics 112!" He suddenly says, pointing to me. "College! We go to the same college,"

Wait a minute. I look at the two of them. That's where! That's where I had seen this smug bratty face.

"Why do you look so surprised? Don't tell me you didn't know that already?" The guy asks in disbelief as he takes a step inside.

"Why? Am I supposed to know every person I share a class with?" I say rolling my eyes.

Who does he think he is? I have so many classes and each class has over a hundred students. Moreover, I focus on what my professors teach us rather than looking around.

"I knew you looked familiar! You're the quiet handsome guy who Taehyung-"

"Don't you have to go to your dance studio?" Taehyung asks interrupting what Jimin was about to say before looking at the younger guy who is playing on his phone. "And you, Jungkook, you're supposed to be meeting your mother. I don't want aunt to yell at me again,"

The two groan as they get off the chair and walked towards the exit.

"Bye for now. We'll come again!" The pink haired guy says smiling at me as he waves as the bunny guy nods too.

The dark haired guy on the other hand just looks at me with some expression I can't decipher before he walks out.

Well, atleast, now I didn't have to deal with these rich brats.


Did they say they'll come back?

As if.

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