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Jin's POV

Taehyung had been staring at me for ten minutes straight now.

And by now, I was out of guesses about why he was doing that.

What was he thinking?

Was there something on my face? Was it something I was wearing?

By his expressions, I was sure he was judging me for something.

Not that I really cared about what he thought of me and my looks but the fact that he was blatantly doing that when I was working was a distraction and I hated distractions.

We were currently sitting in the library, collecting the sources to research from so we could start with the writing part of our project and make the presentations and I wanted to cry out loud.

The reason was simple: I had the worst luck in this entire world because out of a class of eighty students, I ended up with a rich brat who hated me and two exes who hated each other a bit too much.

Soobin was still the better one out of the three though. He would listen to me well and did all his work diligently the whole week.

That didn't mean he didn't fight whenever the topic related to Yeonjun came but after that one big fight when we got kicked out of the library and were made to write apology letters- I still don't know why I was asked to write one too when I was the one who stopped them- there hadn't been any such incidents. 

Now, there were more of snarky comments and eye rolls and me asking them to stop while Taehyung did nothing but smirk and enjoy the battle of the exes.

As for Taehyung, he had been nothing but a nuisance these three days.

He didn't come to the classes for some reason, not that I was complaining, but he somehow always managed to come to our project discussions after the classes ended.

For all the wrong reasons though as he didn't contribute a bit and would stay on his phone.

I looked at Soobin who was reading the topics we would need the information about from the book and then turned my face to look at Yeonjun who was staring at Soobin. 

Why was everyone staring at everyone today?

Well, I definitely knew why Yeonjun was doing that. 

After working with them for a week, it was obvious that Yeonjun still liked Soobin a lot. He just had a very shitty way of showing that. 

If he thought being rude would get him anywhere near to get Soobin to like him back, he was stupid and had watched too many dramas and desperately needed to come back to reality.

But I was still clueless as to why Taehyung was staring at me. 

"I'm done," Soobin said, patting on my shoulder slightly to make me look at him.

"We have seven topics to cover in total. Four of these," He said, circling the topics on the sheet. "You had already distributed them so three are left now. These two..they are a little bit lengthy and then, we have the analysis which is a bit tricky and very important so two people would have to do it together,"

He Likes It Sweet | TaeJin/ JinTaeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ