4. Jokers

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Taehyung's POV

"I'll come with you!"

The words leave my mouth before I can stop them and reconsider what I am trying to do which by the way, I did not know why I am doing.

Jimin stop in his tracks and then turn around as a smirk creeps on his face.

"And why is that? Didn't you complain about the restaurant and most importantly, didn't you find Kim Seokjin annoying?" He asks, crossing his arms. "What happened now? Why do you suddenly want to go with me to his restaurant?"

I don't or more like can't do anything else except give him a sour look.

That's true though. Kim Seokjin is very annoying and just, ah, why did Jimin want to go?

"Because I am bored and I have nothing else to do." I simply say and that makes Jimin shake his head. "And hey! Why are you going, huh? What is your reason?"

He shrugs and picks up the keys from the table while I just add a scarf to the clothes I was already wearing.

"I want to have some fried chicken." I roll my eyes as that couldn't be a reason but say nothing and scroll through the photos on Instagram while he was driving the car.

"So, this Seokjin guy. He's the same guy you who didn't let you speak anything during the presentation?" I look at Jimin with a faint frown as the memories of that day comes to my mind.

Who does he think he is ignoring me like that?

"But you told me he's literally everywhere you go."

"Yes. We are both in business administration so we share all the classes," I reply and he hums before his laughter fills the car.

"And yet he didn't know you," He said. "That's actually pretty hot if you ask me."

I scoff at his statement and shake my head immediately.

"You believe that? There's no way he cannot know me. Everyone knows me. I'm Kim Taehyung for god's sake!"

"And yet he had no idea," Jimin lets out a giggle but before we stop in front of the restaurant. "That's something."

"That's nothing! He's probably faking it. He's been faking it." I say behind him and just as we enter the restaurant, everyone looks at us.

It is probably because of the way I am dressed up and my aura that is full of elegance- something you wouldn't find in a local restaurant.

I continue to be lost in my thoughts when I realise Jimin had started to walk and I immediately follow him inside.

"I don't see him anywhere." I hear him say in confusion as his eyes scan through the crowd so does mine.

"Why are we even here?" I ask making him look at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Last thing I remember is you asking me to take you with me. I didn't even want you here,"

"Then why are you here?" I ask again as we sit on one of the tables and I place my hand around his shoulder.

I honestly didn't even understand why he came here. He didn't even know Seokjin!

"Hey..hey.." I say poking him. "Yah, Jimin-ah, listen!" Jimin dismisses me by standing up immediately, almost making me fall down on my face if it wasn't for my other arm around the chair.

"Hey!" Jimin call out gleefully and I look up at him waving to someone at the entrance before my eyes fall on the Seokjin who is looking at me with a frown.

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