36. Girlfriend

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Jin's POV

Kim Taehyung was undoubtedly one of the well known people in our college.

And as it is with most such people, he had quite some girls around him. And by some girls, I mean a lot. Especially on his social media because the man definitely had a lot of thirsty comments on his posts.

So, technically, I shouldn't be feeling this weird after I saw them like this.

I mean, didn't he say he had something going on with that girl? And how does that have to affect me anyway?

No, it absolutely shouldn't.

But right now, I couldn't help but actually wonder what was happening inside. Were they kissing? Probably, because their hair were definitely messy.

But then imagining Taehyung do that makes me feel very uneasy in a weird way. 

"Oh no!" I mutter the moment I feel my body collide with someone else's and I lift my head to look at the person who looked quite familiar.

"Oh, you!" The blonde man says pointing at me and I'm instantly reminded of the first time I came here. The night that I fondly like to call 'The delivery that went wrong'. 

"Seokjin, right? Or better said Jungkook's Jin hyung?" He says with a chuckle which makes heat creep up my neck.

This boy..

"Yeah, Jungkook. He's something.." I say, shaking my head as his face comes to my mind. "Nice to meet you again, by the way." I say, bowing to him as he does the same with a dimpled smile.

Now I don't know his name but this was Taehyung's older brother. Not that they looked like brothers because the man in front of me looks so well mannered and charming while Taehyung, don't even get me started with him. I wonder how they are even brothers.

"Oh yeah, Jungkook is something. But even Jimin and Taehyung. They talk quite a lot about you." He says with a smile making me open my mouth in a bit of a shock.

They talked about me? Wow, I wasn't expecting that. We do hangout quite a bit but they talked about me? I wonder what kind.

"It's always been just the two of them since forever so it's fresh and fun to see a third person in the gang. Especially someone as fun as you." 


"Namjoon hyung! You're here!"

I turn around to see Jungkook rush to us as he hugs Namjoon and then wraps his arm around my shoulder looking at me with a grin. 

"Everyone loved the cake so much! But I kept it in the fridge so I get to have a lot of it only for myself. It's very delicious." He says with a wink making Namjoon laugh at his comment.

"The cake was actually pretty delicious. I didn't even know it was home made before he told everyone you made it as his birthday gift because he's your favourite." Namjoon says gesturing to Jungkook which makes me roll my eyes playfully.

One thing which went well today was the cake. Jungkook loved it and I was very happy to know he liked it. I had never done anything like this for anyone so it makes my heart warm that he liked it. 

And of course, Jimin had a big role to play in it too as he helped me out quite a lot.

"Thank you. But I cannot take all the credits. Jimin helped me too. Or else I couldn't have made it at all." 

"Of course, you wouldn't have done anything without him." I look at the side to see Taehyung who had just entered the kitchen open the refrigerator and take out a pack of apple juice while staring at me. "I remember how you tried to poison me that day with that dreadful thing you called a parfait."

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