3. Unwanted Drama

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Taehyung's POV

The moment I step out of the restaurant, I breathe out heavily.

I couldn't breathe properly in there.

If it wasn't for Jungkook using my phone last night to order the food, I wouldn't even know this place exists. My cousin really didn't care about food places as long as he got his tummy filled while it was a completely different case with me.

The restuarant wasn't stuffy or dingy but it just wasn't my style or what I was used to; I've always liked going to high end restuarants and I'd like to keep it that way. I want the ambience. The elegance.

And this place had anything but that.

But most importantly, Kim Seokjin didn't recognise me??

"I wanted chicken!" I hear Jungkook whine as we get inside the car and I cross my arms with a small frown on my face.

Kim Seokjin really didn't recognise me?

But how could he not?

"I am hungry," Jungkook starts again and I sigh in irritation, looking back at him as Seokjin's clueless face comes to my mind again.

"You should have eaten something then!" 

"I would have if you wouldn't have whined about all of us coming with you here! You didn't even let us eat the chicken."

I did whine about it so I just narrow my eyes at him and then turn back on my seat. "Jimin, let's get some takeaway." I mutter before looking out of the window as I hear Jungkook sigh in relief.

"He's handsome." I hear Jimin say and I turn to look at him when I realise who he was talking about.

"Oh, him?" I scoff.

He hums still unaffected by my reaction before he gives me a look as the traffic stops. "He's pretty handsome, don't you think, Jungkook?"

"He is! I honestly couldn't get my eyes off his face. Do you think he noticed it?" Jungkook asks making Jimin give him a smile as he starts the car again.

"I'm sure he didn't. Don't worry. He really is handsome."

"If he is handsome, I am a whole god." I say instead which I am.

"Really? You've got to admit that, Tae. He is indeed handsome."

Well, okay, he is quite handsome but his personality is something else.

And I'm not saying this because of the mere conversations we had or the eye rolls and glares he threw my way but because he acts the same way in the college.

He is always the quiet one in the class but once it is time for discussion, the guy never stops and he always had something to contradict me. Whether it was the business plan, strategies or policies, he always had something different to say and that annoys me!

Don't even start with how he ignores my presence!

And then the way he blatantly said that he didn't know us, know me- the most handsome guy in our campus who he loved to contradict- when we had the same classes was enough for me to know about his personality.

Truth be told, there is no possible way anybody in our college didn't know who Kim Taehyung was.

And even if he pretended to act like someone who doesn't know me, I know better.

"You know what I think is pretty funny?" Jungkook starts from the back and I just know he'll say something- "Taehyung hyung thought the handsome guy wanted his attention but it turns out he doesn't know him at all."

And he starts laughing loudly as Jimin joins him too.

"Yeah, Taehyung does know more about him and then he knows about Taehyung. That's new, isn't it?" Jimin asks teasingly which makes me cross my arms.

"I don't! I just..well, he annoys me in the class, okay? And for all I know, he's probably pretending not to know me! You know people pull that shit to make it seem that they're hard to get. Remember that girl, Jimin? Didn't she do the same thing?" I ask as he pulls in the drive-in lane.

Jimin nods but then chuckles lightly. "That's true but Seokjin doesn't seem like her at all. She really wanted to get into your pants. It could be seen. But this guy? He really seemed clueless to me."


But then- why did he crash against me, not once but twice!

I thought I made a point though that did cost me a Gucci shirt because he legit threw the box over me and ruined my shirt.

Not that I care, I could buy stores for all that matters.

"A question. Is this guy the same guy Taehyung hyung always complains about?" Jungkook says from the back and I glare at him immediately which shuts him up as he starts to eat his burger.

Seokjin really didn't know me?

This irritates me even more now!


It doesn't take us more than ten minutes to reach our penthouse apartment once we drop Jungkook at his home and I look at Jimin who's typing on his phone.

"Will you be going to yours or will you come to mine?" I ask him as I wait to click the floor on the elevator.

"Yours." He says with a smile and once we enter the living room, Namjoon hyung is sitting in the couch, his head in his hands.

It seems as if he is exhausted. Or maybe he is just angry because of the party last night.

"Did you apologize and give the money to him?" He asks me as he notices us coming inside.

I simply hum before throwing myself on the couch, letting out a sigh of relief as my back mewt the soft curves of the couch.

I really need some rest after the party last night.

"Give me an answer, Taehyung." Joon hyung continues.

I sit up to unbutton the shirt I am wearing and throw it on the other side.

That automatically gets me a reaction from hyung who sent me a sharp glare so I just give him a boxy smile and lie down again.

"Taehyung.. answer."

"Yes hyung! I gave him the money, okay? Now pleaseee let me sleep! I couldn't give myself enough sleep today because of a certain Kim Namjoon who always gets a bit too emotional and takes my credit card." I say, poking his dimple playfully. "And there is no way I am letting him ruin my sleep routine and skin care regime soo goodnight!"

"Taehyung, you need to start acting like an adult now. You're 20. When will you grow up, huh?" He asks with a sigh and I look at Jimin as he's nodding too.

And it starts and doesn't stop for the next forty five minutes and by the time, he is leaving, I am already half asleep.

This was a routine; I'll throw a party, Namjoon hyung will crash it and freak out when he'll see Jungkook and the next morning, he'll ask me to clean the penthouse.

"You should listen to him, Tae." Jimin says as he closes the door while I still look at the glass ceiling.

"I will." I finally say as he sits beside me.

"So, want to tell me why you pulled all that drama last night?" He asks and I immediately sit up and look at him as he's looking at me playfully.

"What drama?"

"The unwanted drama, Tae. You know he didn't step on you intentionally."

"How do you know he didn't?"

"How do you know he did?"

We continue to stare at each other before I look away.

"So? What's the deal with this Kim Seokjin? Do you like him?"

I look at him with wide eyes and immediately shake my head.

"No way! And I won't ever like him!"

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