40. boyfriends

576 62 24

Seokjin's POV

One week.

It had been exactly one week since Kim Taehyung decided to force himself into my room and confess his feelings in a rather odd fashion but did I really expect him to do better? That man was the biggest narcissist I had ever met. It only made sense for him to act as if he'd done me a favour by confessing to me about how much he liked me.

The worst thing was I realised I liked him too.

Now before anyone judged me for this, trust me, I did it for the whole week. Kim Taehyung was inconsiderate, annoying, cocky, and extremely bratty. That man was everything I had always disliked in people, especially the ones in college who thought the world revolved around them. And yet, I found myself feeling attracted to him.

I had no explanation to it, this was a pure embarrassment when I really thought about it for too long, but there was no lie in admitting the fact that I did like him. Not seeing him for a week was not a nice feeling. Not having him throw his tantrums wasn't as freeing as I thought it would be. Not getting to fight with him...was not as relieving as I thought it would be.

So, yes, I like him.

But would I admit it? Absolutely not.

"You did! You said you liked me! Oh god, Kim Seokjin, you're so shameless. You don't have an ounce of shame in you."

See? That was what I was talking about.

"I said I think I like you. I didn't say I like you. You said you like me. So technically, you're the one who certainly has feelings for me but it's not the other way around." I hum to myself as I turn my eyes back to the book I had been trying to read for the past thirty minutes. Just like always, however, the book was slammed by the same hand again.

"You don't mean that!"

This time, I sigh and tilt my head to look at Taehyung and for the first time since my day started and he decided to annoy me from the morning itself, I feel my heart melt at the look he held in his eyes. See, that was the issue. Throughout this week, I had introspected so much about how I managed to like someone like him and my conclusion was as follows—

Kim Taehyung was an innocent man.

He was annoying, bratty, an absolute diva, if I was to label him but he was truly innocent and it was times such as these that you could really see it in his eyes.

"Do you?"

The follow up question just made me sigh even more as the pout on his face deepened and he looked ridiculous— ridiculously cute, what the hell?— and I finally let go and clicked my tongue.

"Fine, I do like you, okay? Trust me, I'm judging every minute of it because how can I do a blunder like that but yeah, I like you. It's ridiculous. Whatever, okay? Now, let me read! Not everyone has the luxury of studying in their fancy room with all the books. They're shit expensive, okay? You know what? I don't even like you anymore. I haven't read a single word since you've been here. Let me read now!" My voice turned firmer to make sure the man really got it this time before I turn back to continue.

Except, of course, it was a futile attempt as the book was snatched away from me this time. That wasn't it though. Taehyung went a step ahead and scooted closer to me so our knees were brushing against each other and immediately I feel the need to stand up.

Before I could do anything like that though, he kept his hands on my knees and leaned his face closer to me, brown eyes narrowing slightly and suddenly, I feel my body turn warmer. A library wasn't exactly a place to feel such things, especially not with a certain man like him, but my body certainly couldn't help it as there doesn't seem to be any exit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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