9. A New Friend

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Jin's POV

My jaw drops as I still feel the lingering touch of Kim Taehyung's index finger on my skin.

I look at his walking self with wide eyes, my hand going to my cheek to touch it.

What the absolute fuck?

By the time I had recovered from the initial shock, disgust fills my system. I pick up the boxes and almost throw them on Jungkook in the kitchen before storming back to where Taehyung is sitting now.

"How dare you touch me?" I thump the table in front of him but he just stares at me.

"Touch you?" He scoffs. "You wish," 

I look at him in disbelief. That is the most disgusting thing I had heard today.

"I'd rather roll my naked body on a cactus bed than have you touch it,"

I feel his eyes scan my body from the top to the bottom before they stop on my midriff for a moment. I step to my right so that the counter is covering my body as my glare harden on him and keep my hands on my waist.

"What the fuck do you think you're staring at?" My voice is harsh just the way I wanted it to be. "You're disgusting!"

His eyes meet mine before he rolls them as he keeps his elbow on the table so his hand is supporting his chin.

"You know what's disgusting? Your fashion sense,"

I know I wasn't any model, heck I didn't even like shopping. But at least I knew how to dress up like a college student unlike this clown here who always wear weird clothes and act as if he was the most handsome man of the world. 

"Have you ever looked at yourself?" I make sure to look at him from head to toe, tilting my face to make it more obvious that I am scanning him. "You look like a designer brand's vomit,"

My statement seemed to have hit the mark because he stands up immediately. "Do you even know how much this 'vomit' costs?" He asks mockingly.

I roll my eyes at the expected question. 

It costed a lot, I already knew it. I didn't need him to tell me that it costed more than my life.

"Do you know how much this costs?" I ask him pointing to my t-shirt.  "No, right? So, shut the fuck up," 

"Do you always spew out dirt like this? Actually you know what? Do your work. Get me a coke," He suddenly sits and crosses his legs. "It's too hot in this place. Where are the  air conditioners?"

I was sure if I would google the definition of 'brat', I'll get his photo as the answer.

"If it's too hot, why are you here? Go away," 

"I don't want to stay here either!"

"Good so go away! Shoo shoo. You're not wanted here, you-"

"Kim Seokjin!"

I stop and turn around to see Aunt Kim glaring at me with her hands on her waist.

"Is that how you talk to your friends?"

I laugh out humorlessly at her statement before pointing to Taehyung. 

"He's not my frie-"

"Honey, what would you like to eat?" She interrupts me and looks at Taehyung. "Seokjin will make it for you as an apology for his rude remarks,"

I look at Aunt Kim with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.

Since I was young, one thing that my parents always taught me was to respect others. They would make me write apology letters whenever I talked rudely with anyone. My aunt was the same. That was the reason why my parents trusted my aunt and let me come to Seoul for the college under her care.

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