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Unedited so please ignore loopholes and typos.

Jin's POV

On usual days, eating out with Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin didn't cost me much because we used to eat street food mostly which was anything but expensive.

Kim Taehyung costed me my body today.

I could feel the tightness in my lower back already and I was sure, by the time, I'll reach the restaurant, I will be too sore to walk properly with marks all over my neck and shoulder.

If someone would have told me I would end up like this by the night, I would have just stayed in my room no matter how whiny Jungkook would get.

Now that I had a taste of what drunk Taehyung was like, whiny Jungkook was better than drunk Taehyung anyday.

As I breathed out heavily, Taehyung squirmed and his hold on my neck tightened as he whined out in protest.

I tried to look at Jimin who was walking beside me but it was too difficult with Taehyung on my back squeezing the soul out of me as his arms around my neck tightened even more.

"Jimin, a little help?" I managed to speak with the snake almost cutting off my oxygen and Jimin immediately looked at me and loosened Taehyung's arms so I could finally breathe properly.

"Jin, I am so sorry about this," Jimin muttered as he positioned Taehyung's head on my shoulder properly. "Taehyung's a bit of a hugger when he sleeps,"

A bit of a hugger?

I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything.

The koala had been hugging and squeezing the shit out of me for the last fifteen minutes and there was nothing more I wanted to do than to throw him off my back.

Too bad he was too drunk to walk without falling on his face which I really wouldn't mind but then, I had already taken his responsibility and I wouldn't back off.

And we had almost reach his apartment so only a few minutes of this and my back and neck would be free.

Though I had to say, I felt really bad for the person who would end up sleeping by his side.

Especially if it was someone like me who hated being hugged while sleeping.

"You don't like being hugged, do you?" I heard Jimin ask.

"Definitely not like this," I mumbled making him giggle loudly.

Yeah, Jimin was a bit tipsy too.

But at least, I didn't have to carry him on my back all the way from the restaurant to his apartment. Too bad, I couldn't even glare at Taehyung while badmouthing him.

"Piggyback rides are usually romantic in the dramas," Jimin said out of nowhere making me scoff.

I was Kim Seokjin and I had Taehyung on my back. That was enough to not make any sort of ride romantic.

Also, I wasn't a huge fan of him and his likes and I was sure the feeling was pretty mutual.

"Do you think it's romantic?"

"Taehyung's riding me, Jimin. This is anything but romantic,"

Jimin looked at me with wide eyes before he bursted out laughing making me stop as I looked at him in confusion.

He was laughing so hard that he was almost kneeling on the sidewalk.

"Oh god, that would be fun," He told particularly nobody as he wiped the tears off the sides of his eyes and stood up after a minute.

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