After ten minutes my order arrived. I paid the guy and closed the door. Making my way to the living room and over to the couch, I made myself comfortable before grabbing a slice of BBQ chicken pizza. I flipped through the channels. Documentary? Nah.... News? Not in the mood? Thriller on Netflix? Definitely!

The movie "Fractured" was playing. It's about a man's wife and injured daughter that disappears from the emergency room after an accident but later becomes convinced that the hospital is hiding something.

Max had come and cuddled with me on the couch. The movie was getting intense. Just as the climax began my phone rang. I paused the movie and answered it without looking at the caller ID.


"Hey sugar plum! Sorry I called a bit late. What you up to?" Logan asked, interrupting my movie time.

"Just watching a movie." I said while gulping down a bottle of water.

"Oh.. ok. I hope I didn't disturb you" he cleared his throat before continuing.
"What movie?" He asked.

"Fractured.... and no, you didn't disturb me" I assured. Yes you did!

"Um... so I-

"Logan who arr you talking to?" A adorable voice asked Logan on the other side of the line.

"Dennis go to your mum I'm busy!" Logan said annoyed and impatient.

"B-but she said come to you! She said you will play with me!" Dennis replied stuttering cutely, I could tell he had a sad look on.

"Well maybe later I'm talking to my- hey! Dennis get back here!" Logan growled. I heard footsteps on the phone and panting and a annoyed Logan.

"Hi.... I'm Dennis! And you arr.."

"Yolanda! Hi Dennis. You seem really adorable." I said kindly.

"Wow you soundy sooo kindy, I would like tooo meet you!" He sounded so adorable.

"Oh thanks Dennis I would love to meet you too. Maybe I can tell your big cuz to arrange a meeting for us" I said honestly, I was beginning to adore this child.

"No meeting with big cuz?" Logan asked sweetly, I'm guessing with a pout too.

"Sorry but Dennis is more cuter and charming so I'll meet up with him" I joked.

"Yipee! Logan can I meet her please! She seems weally nice... she your friend? I want to be fwends with her!" Dennis exclaimed. I smiled at his words. Kids love me alright.

"Sure I'll bring her home one day and then you can meet her but for now can you let me talk to her?" Logan said kindly.

"Fwine! But can we play pretty please! She's your girl fwend huh? Yeah Logan's got a girl fwend! Logan's got-

"Ok I'll play! Just give me two minutes and stop screaming will ya!" Logan scolded him childishly.

"Bye Dennis.... " I said to his little cousin. I heard I distant bye before Logan spoke.

"Meeting huh? " he asked. Thats the only thing he got out!

"Yeah why? Jealous? You should be cause he is way cuter and more straight forward then some people " I joked provokingly referring to him.

"Oh babe I can be more than straight forward " he chucked cheekily.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah whatever! Go now! My little friend needs you" I said aware of where he was taking this conversation.

"Fine... Bye! Love you.... more then Dennis!" I said making me giggle a little.

"Bye.... love you less than Dennis!" I teased.

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