EPP The Little Mermaid Chapter 5: The Date

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Kirishima (Ariel) and Izuku (Eric) were leaving for the tour of the town. Eric was opening the door to the carriage as Ariel slowly walked in and sat down. Eric followed suit and closed the door before telling the driver to take them to the town. Sebastian is taken to the town by Scuttle in order to set up the date so that the two of them could kiss. Flounder is doing the same while swimming into the town through the rivers. Eric and Ariel arrive in the town and begin exploring. Kirishima (Ariel) is amazed by all the sights that they never imagined. They look around and run to look at everything, causing Izuku (Eric) to chase after them. Ariel is amazed and interested in everything that they see since it was their first time in a human town. It was everything that they ever thought it would be and more. Eric watched Ariel as they were amazed by everything. He laughed at his date's child like actions, not knowing that they really didn't know much about the human world and that was why they were amazed by everything. The two continued to walk through town. Sebastian and Scuttle watched them. Sebastian said, "Well, it seems to be going well. They seem to be enjoying each other's company." Scuttle said, "That's good, but is it true love? Ariel needs a kiss of true love before the sun sets tomorrow in order to stay human permanently." Sebastian thought for a moment, "We will need to intervene. Of course, we should set up a romantic setting. Oh, I have an idea. We must go talk to Ariel and tell them to take Eric to the docks to row a boat through the river. I shall have Flounder go and set up the area so that it is especially romantic." Scuttle said, "Will do!" The two of them immediately told Flounder what to do and he left to prepare. Scuttle flew close to Ariel and Eric, but was unable to get the chance to talk to Ariel. As he tried to get closer, Sebastian fell and landed on Eric's shoulder. Sebastian was about to panic when he thought of something. He got close to the prince's ear and whispered, "Take her to the boats for a romantic ride down the stream." Eric jumped at the voice , but Sebastian hid behind him when he looked around. Scuttle managed to rescue Sebastian as Eric turned to Ariel, "Hey, wanna go to the boats and take a ride downstream?" Ariel waved their head and the two of them ran to rent a boat. Sebastian chuckled at his own genius plan. Scuttle rolled his eyes and flew to the river.

Ariel and Eric were riding downstream when Sebastian spotted them. He gave the others the cue that they were on. 

As Izuku and Kirishima were about to kiss, their boat was tipped over by the sea witch's eels. 

Back in Shoji's (Ursula's) cave, they told his eels that they had done well to stop the kiss, but they were worried that the prince and Ariel would eventually kiss when they were not able to prevent it. Shoji decided to intervene and cast a spell to turn themselves into a beautiful woman named Vanessa (played by Mina). Mina grabbed the shell necklace that contained Ariel's voice and used her magic to give her access to the voice and added her won magic. With that, she headed for the surface world. Later that night, Izuku (Eric) was taking a walk on the beach, thinking back to the fun day that he had had with Kirishima (Ariel). As he was about to head back to the castle, he heard a beautiful voice coming from closer to the ocean. He walked to the source of the voice and was hypnotized by the light. Mina was singing using Ariel's voice and had just placed the prince under a spell.

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