Quirk Swap Chapter 2: New Powers

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Saddened, the six heroes in training returned to their classroom. Kirishima smiled, "Come on guys. Don't complain so much. This exciting. It's just like when our quirks first manifested. Now we get to work with new quirks." Bakugo scoffed, "Idiot. This means that we can't do anything because we don't know how to use our quirks. We had years to use them before, but now we only have a week. Until then, we won't be able to do anything." Yaoyorozu nodded, "Yes. As a result of not being able to control our powers, they can be dangerous, so we need to be careful." Tokoyami said, "Except for Bakugo. He has your creation quirk Yaoyorozu, so he needs to know what an object is made of before he can actually make it, so he's in less danger than us." Bakugo scoffed again as they entered the classroom. Iida was the first to speak, "What happened? Are you all alright?" Midoriya nodded, "Yeah. It seems that we swapped quirks." The entire class yelled, "Swapped quirks?" Uraraka asked, "How did that happen? Is it permanent?" Yaoyorozu explained, "It seems that we fell victim to the quirk of a young child we saw the other day at the store. Bakugo scared the poor thing, causing them to activate their quirk."Midoriya continued, "All Might told us that the kid's quirk should wear off after a week, but until then, we need to use each others. Yaoyorozu swapped with Kacchan, Tokoyami and Todoroki swapped, and I think that me and Kirishima exchanged quirks too. Ours haven't activated yet, so we can't be too sure that we were affected too. However, it seems likely since we were also hit with that blast and we can't use our own quirks." Aizawa appeared from behind them, "If that's the case, then start working on gaining control and sit down." The students flinched and went back to their seats.

Once they were released from class, the six of them went to the training gym. They had decided that it was best if they improved on their temporary quirks so as to not to harm them. Bakugo had been adamant to be around everyone else and to train with a quirk that wasn't his own until Kirishima said that they needed him to teach Yaoyorozu how to control the explosions. Bakugo agreed, eventually, but still appeared angry to be there. After a few minutes, they stopped. They were getting no where. Todoroki sighed, "Tokoyami, how do you get Dark Shadow to come out?" Tokoyami replied, "It's really a matter of being able to control the darkness of the abyss." Todoroki sighed again, "Well, that's no help." Yaoyorozu giggled, "Well, at least now we see how hard each other train to use their quirks." Bakugo glared at her, "Speak for yourself ponytail. I haven't seen anything special about any of your so called quirks. Mine is the only good one here." Kirishima smiled, "Man Bakugo. You really like your quirk. So manly." Izuku said, "It is good to depend on your quirk, but it's also important to know how to act without it. Take now for instance. None of us can defend against an enemy attack at all. There are other cases where this might be true. Like, Eri or Mr. Aizawa's quirks. They cancel out other powers, so we wouldn't be able to use them anyway. It's best to train yourself so that you can't fail, even when you can't use your quirk." Kirishima smiled brighter and pulled the boy into a one arm hug, "Your right Midoriya. That's also manly. I've seen you go head to head with some people without using your quirk and succeeding." Izuku let out a nervous laugh and smiled awkwardly. He wanted to remove Kirishima's arm from him, but he was worried that it might raise suspicion. The issue was that Izuku had had a crush on Kirishima since their internships. Izuku hadn't had a real crush before, the closest he had was his friendship with Uraraka. He was convinced that his feelings would fade after a while, but they only continued to grow stronger until he was absolutely sure that he was in love with the best friend of his childhood bully. However, Izuku knew that he had no chance. He had heard some of his classmates talking about how Kirishima and Bakugo were probably already dating and were going to work together as a hero team once they graduated. It saddened Izuku to know that Kirishima was in love with his former bully, but he had to accept it. One of the things about truly being in love was about wanting the one you love being happy, even if meant that you got heartbroken. At the very least, Izuku could support Kirishima's relationship. Izuku smiled softly at the idea. Then Kirishima spoke up, "Hey guys. Did any of you have weird dreams last night?" The five of them shook their heads. Yaoyorozu asked, "Why do you ask Kirishima?" He replied, "Because I had a really weird dream last night. There were like eight people, or maybe nine, standing in a line. On my right, was a woman with a bun. There were two people next to her that I didn't recognize and two more that were too far away to see clearly. But, to my left, there were two figures that I recognized. They were Midoriya and All Might, but they were obscured. Then, I heard someone speak. It was a frail looking man with long hair. I tried to see who he was talking to, but it all went foggy. After that, all the figures that I saw before appeared before me and said, 'Don't worry. You're not alone.'"

Kirideku Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora