13 Unlucky Days Until Christmas Chapter 6: Day 5: Give Me A Break

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Kirishima woke up angrily on December 17. He smashed his alarm clock the moment he got up. He was absolutely enraged by the bad luck he had been facing these past few days as a result of the curse. After a few moments, Kirishima calmed down. He sighed and went to get ready for the day. When he went to grab the toothpaste, the tube suddenly exploded, causing the toothpaste inside to stain much of the bathroom sink and Kirishima's school clothes. Kirishima grinded his teeth as he used a towel to clean off the toothpaste on the sink and went to change his clothes after he saw that trying to save it from its toothpaste mess. Once he was dressed again, he went downstairs to have breakfast. He sighed in relief at the act that there was no school today. Kirishima went downstairs to the kitchen. Only a few other students had woken up by then and were eating their breakfast. As Kirishima let out a yawn, he went to grab a bowl so that he could have cereal. When he grabbed the bowl, he went to set it down on the table while he got the cereal, but when he did set it down, it just broke. Ida came in, "What happened?" Kirishima said, "I don't know. The bowl just broke out of nowhere." Ida looked at the mess. He then pushed Kirishima away, "I will take care of this mess. Don't you worry." Ida then rushed to grab a cleaning pan and a broom and began to clean up the mess left by the broken bowl. Meanwhile, Kirishima decided to eat an energy bar for now and get something better later. However, when he pulled open the cabinet door, it broke off. Kirishima sighed, "Oh, come on. Well, I guess I can fix it later. After breakfast." He put the door that he broke off to the side, having it lean on the counter so that Kirishima could remember to fix it. Kirishima then reached inside the cabinet and pulled out one of the energy bars. He quickly ate it and drank a juice box before throwing the trash away. He then walked through the common room to attempt to go back to his dorm room so that he could relax before returning to fix the cabinet door. However, before he could make it through, he tripped and rolled across the room. He stopped a few feet away from the entrance to the hallway. He grumbled as he tried to stand. When he looked  up, he saw Uraraka and Izuku staring at him. Izuku had an extremely shocked expression on his face. 

Kirishima looked at his two classmates

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Kirishima looked at his two classmates. They were still staring at him. Kirishima decided to ask, "What's wrong?" Uraraka said, "Get up and you'll find out." Kirishima did as she said and stood up. Once he did, he saw a smashed All Might figurine on the floor. Izuku said, "That was my prized limited edition All Might figurine that was only sold in America for a week. My dad got me that as a present for getting into UA." Kirishima frowned, "Oh, sorry Midoriya. I didn't mean to. I just sort of tripped on nothing when I got out of the kitchen. Sorry. But, I can buy you a new one. I have some money left over from my internship. Just let me see if I can buy one." Izuku said, "No. It's okay. Besides, they don't sell these anymore, anywhere. They were only sold in one store that made the at the store in America. There's no other place that has or ever will sell them. Besides, only twenty were ever made so I doubt you'd be able to find any on sale, but it's okay." Izuku bent down and picked up the pieces and went to the elevator. Kirishima frowned even more and let out a sigh as he went back to his room, feeling even sadder than he did the other day. 

Kirishima bent down and placed the tools on the floor. Thankfully, he was provided with the tools to fix the cabinet, so he didn't have to procure his own. Kirishima opened his phone and looked up the proper instructions on how to fix a cabinet door. Once he found a link, he set his phone on the counter and got to work. Just as he was about to begin, Izuku walked into the room. Kirishima looked at him, "Oh, hey Midoriya. I was just about to fix this door that I broke." Izuku nodded, "I know. Let me help you." Kirishima smiled a little, "OK." The two got to work and quickly finished. As Kirishima was about to leave to return the supplies, he turned to Izuku, "Midoriya. I really am sorry for what happened earlier." Izuku smiled at him, "I already told you that it's okay. I forgive you." Kirishima said, "OK." before turning around and leaving.

Author's Note: I am having a case of writers block and need three more ideas for what to do for the 13 Unlucky Days Until Christmas. The other days are already plotted out, but if you have any ideas for three days, please comment.

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