The Pussycats Find Izuku's Mate Chapter 8: The Choice

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Izuku smiled as he walked out of the gym. True, he had been chased by many of the students and faculty, but they had eventually been stopped. The good thing was that he was now free from having the Pussycats chose a mate for him. However, the four heroes came up to him. Ragdoll said, "Well, that was a failure. Sorry Midoriya." Izuku was about to say that it wasn't a problem, but Mandalay interrupted him, "Fret not, we'll still work hard to find you a mate Midoriya!" Pixie-Bob asked, "Just asking, but are you willing to consider a polyamory relationship? Those last three look like keepers." Izuku jumped at the comment, "No! I don't want a multiple partner relationship." Izuku stormed out of the building. The Pussycats watched him leave. Meanwhile, Kirishima was receiving a bashing from Bakugo. Bakugo was yelling, "You stupid idiot. How could you lose to that steel guy from that other class and that smarty pants ponytail?!" Kirishima groaned, "I know. I wanted to win so badly." Kaminari said, "Well, you still have a chance. Midoriya just stormed out. You might be able to convince him to accept you." As soon as Kaminari was done speaking, Kirishima ran out to chase after Izuku.

Izuku walked back to the dorms. He had enough problems for the day. Then he heard someone call his name. He turned to see Kirishima approaching him. Izuku said, "Kirishima! What happened?" Kirishima smiled at him as he gave a little chuckle, "Well, I was sort of worried about you. You've been through a lot. You must be tired." Izuku blushed as he nodded his head. Kirishima smiled as he looked to the floor, "Man. I wanted to win so bad so that we could finally be together." Izuku asked, "What do you mean?" Kirishima looked at him as he responded, "I joined the competition to get you to go on a date with me. A man finds the most amazing way to ask the guy they like out. I wanted us to get married and later we could form Voltron. Victory or death. But I guess you won't be feeling my Vrepit Sa." Izuku looked at Kirishima before laughing, "Did you just quote Voltron on me? And Vrepit Sa. That means Killing Thrust. Were you just using sexual innuendo to talk about your dick?" Kirishima laughed as he nodded. The two of them stood there, laughing as the others started to approach. Once Kirishima heard someone approaching, he grabbed Izuku and pulled him back to his room on the fourth floor. Once the two of them were inside, he locked the door. He turned to see Izuku staring at him with an obvious blush on his face. Izuku smiled as he walked to Kirishima and planted a kiss on his lips. Kirishima was stunned as he kissed back. He wrapped his hands around Izuku as the two went to his bed to continue their passionate make out session. They managed to continue this for five minutes before there was a knock on Kirishima's door. He groaned as he removed himself from Izuku. Kirishima opened the door to reveal Kota taking a picture with his phone. The little boy looked at the red head, "Now I have proof of your relationship. If you guys don't take me out to the amusement park this weekend, I'm going to show this picture to everyone. That'll end up with some unhappy people." Kirishima grimanced. He was being blackmailed by a kid! However, Izuku smiled as he approached Kota, "Kota, are you projecting your need for family time onto me and Kirishima?" Kota blushed as he stammered, "N-n-no." Izuku giggled, "Ah, so cute. I hope that if I ever have a son, he's just as cute as you." Izuku hugged the little boy. Kirishima laughed a little as well before joining the hug. The two boys decided to share their new relationship with everyone a half hour later. Even so, they still took Kota to the amusement park. The two considered it their first date, which they ended by forming Voltron.

Kirideku Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora